5 December 2023

PSA – NUS E-Scholars Engagement Session

During the commencement of Reading week, the E-Scholars had an opportunity to visit PSA Singapore’s recently inaugurated flagship building in Pasir Panjang.

The industrial visit started with a gracious reception led by Alyssa and her team at their innovation centre. We were presented with an overview of the facility and briefed on the functions of the containership terminal. An introduction of PSA’s business of transporting cargo started after we stepped into a display shipping container. Next, the students were appointed a mission to determine the optimal route for transportation considering time and cost efficiency through an interactive platform. After an introduction of the business, we were shown the diverse features and cutting-edge technology employed to fortify safety protocols at the port.

After the comprehensive tour at the innovation centre, we were led to the control centre to learn more about specific roles the team played in orchestrating the safe day-to-day operations for all staff. Murukesh gave us a holistic overview of the machineries involved with transporting containers to and around the port. We got a close up of the towering cranes and high technology automatic driving prime movers.

Next, we had a fireside chat with two esteemed leadership representatives who discussed the journey of their career in PSA. Tay Eng Kng, the vice president of container engineering emphasized the significance of retaining knowledge acquired during one’s academic pursuits, emphasizing its pivotal role in fostering innovation. The failure to remember, he asserted, equates to merely listening to a salesman executing his duties. Tan further highlighted the FISH! culture as a shared language of appreciation among individuals working in varied environments, contributing to a harmonious work environment and expressing gratitude for work at all organizational levels.

Views from Fireside Chat venue

Wong Yao Hui, an esteemed NUS E-scholar alumni currently serving as deputy manager at PSA shared his journey from his education experience in engineering and management studies. His educational background in chemical engineering proved instrumental in grasping equipment terminology, while his overall education facilitated adept problem-solving in both business and engineering domains. These acquired skills played a pivotal role in navigating his diverse career paths spanning logistics, management and commercials.

In summary, our visit to PSA was fruitful and productive. The E-scholars received valuable industry insights and had meaningful connections throughout the event.

PSA Entrance
Group Photo
Transport Simulation
Transport Simulation
Camera Identifying Safety Uniform
Crane Simulation