CDE Groundbreakers Series: Shedding Nano-light on Quantum Materials

Groundbreakers Series - Prof Dmitri Basov_Tze Wei, Shaun Yeo

About the Lecture:
Optical imaging is essential in daily life and modern technology, but it faces limitations when observing objects smaller than the wavelength of light. This challenge is common in studying quantum materials with effects occurring at nanometer scales. In the last decade, our group developed a unique optical imaging approach, using polaritons, hybrid quasiparticles combining photons and material excitations. Polaritons, highly compact and mobile, outperform diffraction limits, enabling us to explore quantum materials on a nanoscale. By tracking "nano-light" polaritonic waves with custom tools, we've made significant progress in understanding electronic phenomena and topological effects in solids. This talk will highlight these advancements.

About the Speaker:
Dmitri Basov is a Higgins professor and chair of the Department of Physics at Columbia University. He is also the director of the Department of Energy’s Energy Frontiers Research Center on Programmable Quantum Materials and co-director of the Max Planck–New York City Center for Nonequilibrium Quantum Phenomena. He previously served as a professor and chair of physics at the University of California, San Diego.

His research interests include the physics of quantum materials, superconductivity, two-dimensional materials and infrared nano-optics.

He received a Sloan fellowship in 1999, the Genzel Prize in 2014, the Humboldt Research Award in 2009, the Frank Isakson Prize in 2012 and the K.J. Button Prize in 2019. He was a Moore Investigator in 2014 and 2020 and earned a Vannevar Bush Faculty Fellowship from the U.S. Department of Defense in 2019. He was elected a member of the National Academy of Sciences in 2020.

Event Details:

24 Nov 2023
4:00pm: Registration
4:30pm: Start of programme
5:45pm: Light buffet dinner & networking

Event location:
LT424 (
4 Architecture Drive, SDE 3, Level 4
Singapore 117566

Parking: Public lots are available near the venue at NUS carpark 1
