Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture


Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture is the final stop of a traveling exhibition that went to 32 cities in 20 countries in Europe, North and South America, Asia, and Australia. The show traces the work of Harry Seidler, Australia’s most prominent 20th-century architect, and examines his distinctive place and hand within and beyond the Modernist design methodology.

Join us on February 16, 6.30pm for a lecture by curator Vladimir Belogolovsky and greetings from Penelope Seidler, followed by the exhibition opening and walkthrough. Light refreshments will be provided. You may register for the lecture via this link or by scanning the QR code in the poster.

The exhibition runs from February 16 to March 8, 9AM-9PM daily, at the National University of Singapore (NUS) SDE 3 Level 1. 2 SIA/BOA points will be awarded to attendees.

This exhibition has also been featured in several online publications, read more here:

Harry Seidler’s exhibit celebrates the architect’s lifework in his centennial year (stirworld.com)Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture | ArchDaily
Harry Seidler Exhibition at NUS, 16 Feb – 8 Mar 2023 | Board of Architects Singapore
Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture | Arch Daily
Harry Seidler’s exhibit celebrates the architect’s lifework in his centennial year | STIRworld

STIRworld (Interview w/Penelope Seidler)
Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture / Singapore | Docomomo Australia
Harry Seidler: Painting Toward Architecture | World-Architects
Singapore – Harry Seidlre exhibition February 16 – March 8 | Society of ArchitecturalHistorians
Harry Seidler Travelling Exhibition in Singapore | Australian Architecture Association 

For any enquiries, you may reach out to joannesg@nus.edu.sg.