NUS MA(Architectural Conservation) talk: The Romance of Heritage

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If you think heritage is merely a rigid concept of transferring old doctrines and freezing historic buildings in time, let Dr Nikhil Joshi tell you otherwise.

In his talk The Romance of Heritage, the NUS Department of Architecture senior lecturer seeks to dispel the preconceived notion people may have about heritage. He will also shed light on the beauty of heritage, as well as share how cherishing and celebrating our heritage can be dynamic in nature.

He will also touch on the incredible possibilities of using new digital technology in today’s heritage conservation efforts.

To register for The Romance of Heritage talk, click here:

Dr Nikhil will demonstrate how our Master of Arts in Architectural Conservation students acquire hands-on experience at the newly set up Architectural Conservation Laboratory (ArClab).
To read the MA (Architectural Conservation), apply before 31 August 2023 here: