Groundbreakers Series: New AI and inverse-design approaches for nanophotonics and topology

Join us to meet Professor Marin Soljacic from MIT who is a recipient of the MacArthur award known also as the “Genius Grant”.  Marin Soljačić is a Professor of Physics at MIT. He is a founder of WiTricity Corporation (2007), LuxLabs (2017), as well as Lightelligence (2017). His main research interests are in applications of AI for science, as well as nanophotonics. He is a recipient of the Adolph Lomb medal from the Optical Society of America (2005), and the TR35 award of the Technology Review magazine (2006). In 2008, he was awarded a MacArthur fellowship “genius” grant.


He is an international member of the Croatian Academy of Engineering since 2009. In 2011 he became a Young Global Leader (YGL) of the World Economic Forum. In 2014, he was awarded Blavatnik National Award, as well as Invented Here! (Boston Patent Law Association). In 2017, he was awarded “The Order of the Croatian Daystar, with the image of Ruđer Bošković”, the Croatian President’s top medal for Science. In 2017, the Croatian President also awarded him with “The Order of the Croatian Interlace” medal. He was also Highly Cited Researcher according to WoS for 2019, 2020 and 2021.

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