Yard Stick for Urban Innovation, Energy and Emission Control: The 2000-Watt Society

Urban planners and policymakers need a metric to predict and measure energy use and carbon emissions, preferably one that brings accountability and a willingness to innovate. The 2000-Watt society concept is an excellent benchmark for promoting sustainability, in the context of buildings, cities, and regions, by measuring energy use and carbon emissions at the personal level.


Learn more about this innovative idea through case studies, at the NUS Cities Inaugural lecture by Prof Alexander J.B. Zehnder.


Date: 2 Feb 2023, Thursday, 6pm
Venue: NUS, SDE 3, Architecture Studio, Level 1, 4 Architecture Drive
Registration: http://shorturl.at/rBNW1


NUS Cities Lecture Series investigates ideas, policies and projects developed by urban experts, which aspire to create sustainable, resilient, and liveable cities.