CDE Alumni

CDE Groundbreakers Series: Shedding Nano-light on Quantum Materials

About the Lecture: Optical imaging is essential in daily life and modern technology, but it faces limitations when observing objects smaller than the wavelength of light. This challenge is common in studying quantum materials with effects occurring at nanometer scales. In the last decade, our group developed a unique optical imaging approach, using polaritons, hybrid

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CDE Alumni Gala Dinner 2023

The 2023 Alumni Gala Dinner is scheduled for November 3rd and will take place at the Kent Ridge Guild House. During this event, attendees will come together to honour and commemorate the accomplishments and contributions of our esteemed CDE alumni. Attendance is restricted to invited guests exclusively.

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RothoSchool x SkyTimber / Mass Timber Architecture in the Tropics Int’l Seminar 2023

The mass timber construction is in constant and fast growth. Two days will be dedicated to both aspiring professionals and experts. In the seminar we focus on 3 different sessions: vision and challenges, construction and finance, envelopes and connections. The program includes the lecturers and case studies to discover, keep up with the latest developments

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What If: Design Futures

You are invited to the Opening Night of the “What If: Design Futures” Exhibition, a showcase of visionary design projects that delve into the boundless possibilities of tomorrow, happening at the Arena@Bridge+ Ascent, Singapore Science Park 1 on 15th August, 7pm – 9pm! Jointly organised by Capitaland and the National University of Singapore, Division of Industrial Design. What If : Design

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