Graduate Certificate in Project Management

Certificate Title

Graduate Certificate in Project Management

Course Objectives

The programme aims to provide professionals with the sound management skills and techniques necessary for the successful completion of complex projects in different industries. Participants from overseas feature strongly on all intakes and the wide mix of expertise allows for meaningful exchange and interaction at graduate level.


Pass any three modules from the list below:

  1. PM5105 Development finance
  2. PM5106 Design management
  3. PM5107 Time and cost management
  4. PM5109 Project management law
  5. PM5113 Managing projects using BIM
  6. PM5114 Managing complex projects

Who Should Attend

At least a bachelor’s degree with honours in a related discipline. A bachelor’s degree with at least eight years of relevant working experience.

A good TOEFL/IELTS score or equivalent for applicants whose medium of instruction for their undergraduate studies is not in English.


To apply, please go to the Online Application Portal ( > Graduate Cert

Award of Certificate

Students and professionals keen to apply to the new stackable Graduate Certicate in Project Management (PM) will need to pass any three modules from PM5105, 5106, 5107, 5109, 5113 and 5114 and achieve a Cumulative Average Point of at least 3.0.

Point-of-Contact for More Information

Andre Ng (
Yaoting Dale Timothy Yeoh (