NUS Asia Fellowship Programme 2023

Join the Inaugural Cohort of the National University of Singapore
Asia Fellowship Programme Strength in Diversity,
Uniting for Sustainability and Resilience

This programme will introduce participants to sustainability and relevant concepts such as circular economy, energy, design thinking, and social business model canvas. In addition, it will share the journey of NUS as a sustainable campus and the roles of student initiatives. After an intensive 1-week face-to-face programme in NUS, Singapore, students will return to their university and develop a proposal on how to make their university campus more sustainable. There will be a final presentation of the project and sharing of experiences at the end of the programme.

Programme Format & Highlights

The programme has been designed to take full advantage of the richness of face-to-face interactions and the reach and convenience of online communication.

One week on-site at NUS, Singapore, followed by four weeks online

Experiential learning
in Singapore

Lectures, case studies and workshops by NUS professors and leading practitioners

Learning focussed on solving real-world problems with implementable action/business plans

Lead Faculty @ CDE

Associate Professor Chai Kah Hin,
Vice-Dean, College of Design and Engineering

Associate Professor Lau Siu Kit, Academic Director, Master of Science
in Environmental Management

Associate Professor Lee Poh Seng, Executive Director,
Energy Studies Institute

Professor Lam Khee Poh,
Provost's Chair Professor of Architecture and the Built Environment

Associate Professor Kua Harn Wei,
Vice-Dean, College of Design and Engineering

Eligibility Requirements

Undergraduate students (Year 3 or above) in any discipline from universities in Asian countries

Selection Criteria

Academic Excellence

Candidates who have done exceptionally
well in their chosen disciplines


Candidates who have diverse personal and professional backgrounds and experience


Candidates who have demonstrated notable achievements in activities outside the classroom


Fees & Funding

The NUS Asia Fellowship programme will be funded by NUS. This includes a full waiver of programme fees and provision of complimentary lodging on the NUS campus. Funding support for overseas programme participants to travel to and from Singapore may be provided on a need basis.

Terms and Conditions Apply


Week 1: 5 Jun 2023 – 9 Jun 2023 ▎Venue: NUS


  • Introduction 
  • Climate Change and Sustainability
  • Circular economy
  • Case Study – NUS as a sustainable campus
  • Urban Heat Island Effect and NUS
  • NetZero Building – SDE4, NUS
  • Design Thinking and Sustainability
  • Social Business Model Canvas

Week 2: 12 Jun 2023 – 16 Jun 2023 ▎Online

Business Plan Development and Consultation

Week 3: 29 Jun 2023 – 23 Jun 2023 ▎Online

Business Plan Development and Consultation

Week 4: 26 Jun 2023 – 30 Jun 2023 ▎Online

Business Plan Development and Consultation

Week 5: 3 Jul 2023 â–ŽOnline

Presentation (online) and closing ceremony


  • Week 2-5:  Estimated workload is 8 hours a week. Exact time and date will be finalised after registration.
  • Participants are expected to attend all sessions and participate actively in the programme. The best project in Week 5 will receive a certificate and gift.
  • Please email for more details. Shortlisted participants will be invited to a briefing session (online) on the 6 Feb 3 pm.