20 May 2021

Heartening Appreciation From Students


Assistant Professor Tan Swee Ching at the Department of Materials Science and Engineering has been the Resident Fellow at Temasek Hall since July 2020. It has been a great challenge for Dr Tan and his family to move into Temasek Hall in the middle of the COVID-19 pandemic. Many classes have gone online to reduce the number of students on campus. However, the student hostels are still operating at 80% capacity to cater for our students’ needs. Therefore, the University has put in place stringent Safe Management Measures so as to greatly reduce the risk of COVID-19 spreading in the school community. “I have around 80 engineering students under my care in Temasek Hall so I have great responsibility to ensure that they have a safe environment to reside and study. I understand it has been a really tough year for the students as many social activities could not be carried out as usual. Many safety measures need to be put in place before any events could be put forth. The moment when I received the heartening appreciation card made by the students, I know that all the efforts were appreciated by them after all.” said Prof. Tan

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