19 March 2024

Long-Life Solid-State Batteries by Intelligent Composites with Active Interfaces

The Singapore National Research Foundation announced that it awarded S$8.3M over 5 years to an interdisciplinary NUS team led by Associate Professor Stefan Adams(Materials Science and Engineering) for the CRP project “Long-Life Solid-State Batteries by Intelligent Composites with Active Interfaces”.

To meet the urgent need for safe, sustainable high-density energy storage, the team comprising the below NUS faculty members and overseas collaborators will be synergising innovations in rational materials design, bionics and micro-electromechanics and processing to realise safe, scalable, fast-ion conducting composite electrolyte membranes for high-rate capability Lithium solid-state batteries with 70% higher energy density compared to current Li-ion batteries. By the integratation of novel ways to sense, guide, and exploit the chemical and microstructural evolution of battery components and their interfaces, the team aims to develop functionally intelligent energy storage systems that autonomously sense and self-optimize their performance over unprecedented cycle lives.

The Department of Materials Science and Engineering:
Associate Professor Stefan(Team Leader)
Assoc. Prof. He Chaobin
Assist. Prof. Deng Zeyu
Assist. Prof. Pieremanuele Canepa
Assist. Prof. Tural Khudyev

The Department of Mechanical Engineering:
Prof. Seeram Ramakrishna

The Department of Chemistry:
Prof. Guillermo Bazan

Overseas Collaborators:
Hong Li (Chinese Academy of Sciences)
Yang Shao-Horn (Massachusetts Institute of Technology)
Joachim Maier (Max-Planck Institute)

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