20 May 2021
Smp Hue

Outstanding mentor award for hot electron dynamics in plasmonic nanostructures

Smp Hue

In May 2021, Hue Do, a year 2 PhD student in A/P Michel Bosman’s group, received the Outstanding Mentor Award from the Singapore Mentorship Program 2020. Hue mentored 3 Secondary students from the Raffles Institute (Guan En, Jiunn Jye and Sathyaram – see photo) in their study of hot electron dynamics in plasmonic nanostructures. The students were guided to read scientific papers and come up with their own research plan. They learnt to simulate and analyse motions of free electrons in gold nanoparticles when excited by light using Particle-In-Cell, an electrodynamics simulation method. Despite difficulties due to social-distancing restrictions, Hue managed to inspire the students by exposing them to state-of-the-art numerical and experimental tools such as electron and optical microscopy and -spectroscopy to visualize the nano-optical phenomena. We wish the students all the best and hope they will keep their passion for science and engineering!

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