25 February 2019
SOON Hwee Ping

Welcome Dr Soon Hwee Ping on-board

Welcome Dr Soon Hwee Ping on-boarding the Department of Materials Science and Engineering and the Institute of Entrepreneur Leadership starting on 25 Feb 2019, as an Associate Professor (Practice). She did Materials Science at NUS, and therefore she is one of our outstanding alumni. Hwee Ping has been a senior research scientist at Robert Bosch Singapore for the past 8 years, leading multi-national research teams for product pre-development and  innovation. Prior to conducting industrial research, Hwee Ping completed her PhD at the Tokyo Institute of Technology, Materials and Structural Laboratory, by receiving Monbukagakusho (Ministry of Education, Japan) scholarship. She was then awarded the JSPS (Japan Society for the Promotion of Science) postdoctoral fellowship to continue her research on advance ceramic materials at the same location. With her mixed academic and industrial backgrounds, she has successfully invented several green product solutions on air pollution sensing, air purification as well as photovoltaics for homes, commercial buildings and automotive applications. In 2018, Hwee Ping was the winners of both Bosch Inventor Award and Bosch Business Model Innovation Hackathon Asia Pacific.

SOON Hwee Ping
SOON Hwee Ping


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