Presidential Young Professorship

Are you a talented young academic with an excellent track record?


  • Open to all who are finishing their PhD studies/postdoctoral training or assistant professors currently in their first contract at NUS.

Strong academic support:

  • Start-up grants of up to the following: $1m for STEM experimental; $500k for STEM non-experimental;
  • Additional, white space funding of $250k to provide additional flexibility for appointees to purse their ambitious academic goals.

Application Process:

  • Submit a complete CV and other supporting documents directly to, including at least two External Reviewer letters. Whenever possible, 1-2 publications by the candidate (as lead author) will be useful.
  • Successful candidates will be contacted by the Department to prepare one-page write-up with the following:
    • Ambition and signs of passion for research from the candidate;
    • Talent – expertise of the candidate which stands him/her out, and comparison with peers in the top institutions, e.g. ETH, MIT, UC Berkeley and Tokyo University.
    • Research areas – how the candidate research agenda is cutting edge, and how this fits into the faculty/school and research directions; and
    • One paragraph to describe the most relevant first-author paper by the candidate.