Current Research
Graphene: all aspects. Strongly correlated systems: spin and charge density wave, quantum magnetism, superconductivity. Disordered magnetic systems.
Selected Publications
- “Quantum Hall effect in twisted bilayer graphene” by Lee Dong Su, C. Riedl, T. Beringer, A.H. Castro Neto, K. von Klitizing, U. Starke, and J. H. Smet, Phys. Rev. Lett. 107, 216602 (2011).
- “New directions in science and technology: two-dimensional crystals” by A. H. Castro Neto and K. S. Novoselov, Reports on Progress in Physics, 74, 082501 (2011).
- “Another Spin on Graphene” by A. H. Castro Neto, Science 332, 315 (2011).
- “Strain-Induced Pseudo-Magnetic Fields Greater Than 300 Tesla in Graphene Nanobubbles”, by N. Levy, S. A. Burke, K. L. Meaker, M. Panla
- “The Carbon New Age” by A. H. Castro Neto, Materials Today 13, 12 (2010).