Dr Steven Touzard

Steven Touzard

NUS Presidential Young Professor

Assistant Professor


Steven earned his Bachelor from Ecole Normale Superieure Paris-Saclay and his PhD from Yale University from the group of Michel Devoret. His work focused on stabilizing bosonic codes in superconducting circuits. He then did a post-doc at the National University of Singapore on quantum information processing with neutral Strontium atoms. Steven also worked as a consultant for quantum computing companies Alice&Bob and Xanadu. In 2021, Steven was awarded the National Research Foundation Fellowship (Class of 2022) to start a new research initiative in Singapore focusing on building quantum networks of superconducting circuits. He was then appointed as a Presidential Young Professor in the departments of Material Science and Engineering as well as the department of Physics.

Twitter: @StevenTouzard

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/steven-touzard-63bb809a/

Research Interests

  • Superconducting circuits
  • Rare-earth ions in solid-state
  • Integrated optics
  • Quantum networks
  • Quantum computing

Selected Publications 

  • P. Campagne-Ibarcq* & A. Eickbusch* & S. Touzard*, et al. Quantum error correction of a qubit encoded in grid states of an oscillator Nature 584, 368–372 (2020). *Equal contributions
  • S. Touzard, et al. Gated conditional displacement readout of superconducting qubits, Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 080502 (2019).
  • S. Touzard, et al. Coherent Oscillations inside a Quantum Manifold Stabilized by Dissipation, Phys. Rev. X 8, 021005 (2018).
  • Z. Leghtas, S. Touzard, et al. Confining the State of Light to a Quantum Manifold by Engineered Two-Photon Loss, Science 347, 853 (2015).