

Bachelor of Engineering (Materials Science and Engineering)

Innovations in materials science are evident everywhere in our modern society. From the steel and concrete that build our homes, to the semiconductor nanotechnology that connects us and the biomedical implants that save our lives. Nearly all materials that you see and interact with have been designed by someone, and optimized to give them exactly the properties that are needed for their intended function. New materials are being developed all the time, and whole civilizations have progressed thanks to this: we advanced from the stone age to the bronze, iron, and silicon ages.

Many challenges we face in the near-future will not be solved without new and better materials. We will need materials that can better store energy in batteries, materials for more efficient energy generation in solar cells, materials that can keep us healthy for longer, or materials that simply allow us to marvel in our daily lives: beautiful displays, powerful electronic devices, safe air travel, and the list goes on and on.

Materials Science and Engineering is a four-year undergraduate study that combines a solid foundation in solid-state physics and chemistry with practical aspects of materials design and engineering. Besides theoretical training, experimental work is an important part of the MSE curriculum. After the foundational first years, you will be specializing for a future career in either research, as a practicing professional in industry, or for a career as technopreneur.

The department offers two certified specializations:

Nano Tech4

Nanostructured Materials


Biomedical Materials

Specialization in
Functional Intelligent
Materials (AY2022, machine learning centric)

Every MSE student also has the opportunity to study overseas for a semester, by choosing:

Student Exchange Programme

Overseas Schools

NUS Overseas Colleges


"I believe that materials will never be irrelevant. Regardless of whatever the latest innovations are – a new car, a new computer chip, or a new way of harvesting energy – there would always need to be someone to innovate and figure out the materials aspect of it. I think this is what really drawn me to the study of materials, and is why MSE stood out the most to me amongst all the other engineering degrees. I believe the MSE curriculum gives one the space to create your own experience – by opening up many opportunities for research projects, industrial attachments as well as getting to pick our own technical electives from various fields. I had the opportunity to learn from various Professors and Lecturers about the theoretical knowledge surrounding the study of materials, and got to apply them first-hand during lab sessions, a research project, as well as during my own industrial attachment. I choose NUS MSE because I got to complete this degree under the NUS Engineering Scholars Programme, which allowed me to complete a Bachelor’s Degree in three years, as well as a master’s degree in my last year, as well as providing a myriad of other opportunities."

Jodi (Year 4 Student)
Applied Materials

Other Opportunities

Pre-requisites for other NUS Engineering programmes, double-degree programmes and other special programmes may be found here. Do note that pre-requisites are subject to change every year and you should check for updates here.