25 October 2023

Adj Prof Quek Gim Pew awarded President’s S&T Medal

Throughout his career, Adj Prof Quek Gim Pew  has been a leading figure in the development of advanced defence technologies and a strong advocate of STEM education.

Distinguished Alumni and Adjunct Professor (College of Design and Engineering) Quek Gim Pew was conferred the prestigious President’s Science and Technology Medal for his pivotal role in developing Singapore’s research ecosystem in critical areas including defence capabilities, space technology, advancing quantum engineering, artificial intelligence, and high-performance computing.

The President’s Science and Technology Medal is awarded to individuals who have made distinguished, sustained, and exceptional contributions and played a strategic role in advancing Singapore’s development through the promotion and management of science and technology (S&T).

Adj Prof Quek graduated with a Bachelor of Engineering (1st Class Hons) in Electrical Engineering in 1981. He was accorded the NUS Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award in 2014, and the prestigious Outstanding Service Award as part of the NUS University Awards 2023.

Throughout his career, he has been guided by his belief and commitment to harness science and technology to serve national needs and contribute to Singapore’s continued success. He has been a strong advocate for STEM education, initiating various nationwide programmes, such as the Young Defence Scientist Programme, which introduces students to emerging topics in science and engineering.

The full citation can be found: https://www.psta.gov.sg/files/Citations/2023/2023-pstm-citation-mr-quek-gim-pew.pdf

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