27 July 2023

Asst Prof Shin Sunmi named among Nanoscale 2023 Emerging Investigators


Assistant Professor Shin Sunmi has been named among the Nanoscale 2023 Emerging Investigators by the journal Nanoscale, highlighting rising stars of nanoscience and nanotechnology research.

Her paper, Enhanced far-field coherent thermal emission using mid-infrared bilayer metasurfaces, was featured by the journal in a themed collection of research contributions highlighting “the very best work from researchers in the early stages of their independent career”.

According to the journal, each contributor was recommended by experts in their fields for carrying out work with the potential to influence future directions in nanoscience and nanotechnology.

Asst Prof Shin’s paper explores a way to enhance thermal emission (heat radiation) using specially designed materials at mid-infrared frequencies.

By using a novel measurement platform, the paper’s authors observed a 3.5× increase in thermal emission from a specific nanoribbon structure compared to a regular nanoribbon, achieved by a unique type of heat transfer known as polaritonic heat transfer.

The researchers say their findings could be significant for bridging the gap between mid-infrared optics and thermal engineering applications in the temperature range of 100 to 400 K.

Nanoscale is an international journal published by the Royal Society of Chemistry and is a collaborative venture between the Royal Society of Chemistry Publishing and the National Center for Nanoscience and Technology (NCNST) in Beijing.

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