8 December 2022

CDE student awarded Schwarzman Scholarship

Hans Sebastian Mulyawan, honours year student from CDE, was selected from 3,000 applicants for the next cohort of the Schwarzman Scholarship commencing in August 2023.
Hans Sebastian Mulyawan, honours year student from CDE, was selected from 3,000 applicants for the next cohort of the Schwarzman Scholarship commencing in August 2023.

Hans Sebastian Mulyawan, an Honours year student from CDE majoring in Industrial Systems Engineering and Management, has been awarded the prestigious Schwarzman Scholarship.

Currently in his final year at NUS, he will join the eighth batch of 151 scholars for graduate studies at Tsinghua University starting in August 2023.

The Schwarzman Scholarship, established in 2016, is a one-year fully-funded Master's programme in Global Affairs at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China. Schwarzman Scholars will live in Beijing for a year of study and cultural immersion - attending lectures, travelling around the region, and developing a better understanding of China.

The scholarship is awarded to up to 200 graduates yearly, selecting candidates for their outstanding leadership qualities and the potential to understand and bridge cultural and political differences. Hans was selected through a process which saw nearly 3,000 applicants, of whom 400 candidates from 60 countries were interviewed.

"I am excited by the eighth cohort's potential," said Mr Stephen A. Schwarzman, Founding Trustee of Schwarzman Scholars. "As the geopolitical landscape grows more complex each day, I am inspired by this year's selected Scholars and their readiness to engage thoughtfully with global issues and drive change. We are confident that this inspiring cohort of young leaders will make the most of this unique opportunity."

Hans with fellow students from the Indonesian Students’ Association in Singapore, where he serves as the Secretary General.
Hans with fellow students from the Indonesian Students’ Association in Singapore, where he serves as the Secretary General.

Creating impact

Hans concurrently pursues his passion for entrepreneurship and a keen interest in public and foreign policy alongside his academic studies in Industrial Systems Engineering and Management. The combination has inspired him to engage with more like-minded impact-focused global student leaders in the Schwarzman Scholars programme.

Hans credits his interdisciplinary studies at CDE, where he is also pursuing a second major in Business Analytics, as well as his entrepreneurial journey with NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) for his scientific approach to testing assumptions and designing problem-focused solutions. Through his stint at NOC, Hans was able to jumpstart his education financing start-up, huCap, which aims to partner top tech bootcamps to offer income share agreements as a financing option for students. He believes these two experiences, along with his data analytics and project management skills, will enable him to lead with more awareness and conviction.

On top of his academic and entrepreneurial commitments, Hans also demonstrated exceptional leadership as the Secretary-General of the Indonesian Students' Association in Singapore. He would later be incubated in the Republic of Indonesia's Presidential Executive Office's first-ever leadership school, and selected for the Top 97 Young Leaders for Indonesia 2022 programme by management consulting firm McKinsey & Co.

Hans's team took home the Best Delegation award at the Model Finance Minister and Central Bank Governor Meeting, a Model G20 diplomatic conference simulation organised by Bank Indonesia in September 2022.
Hans's team took home the Best Delegation award at the Model Finance Minister and Central Bank Governor Meeting, a Model G20 diplomatic conference simulation organised by Bank Indonesia in September 2022.

Learning from the best and brightest 

Hans said he was looking forward to taking part in the opportunities for collaboration and multicultural exchanges offered by the Schwarzman Scholarship.

"I'm hopeful for what's to come - living with impact-led leaders from across the world that would bridge multicultural perspectives and ideas," he said.

"I am also really looking forward to engaging in meaningful discussions with young leaders from different nations and learning how China grows its human capital by developing its standardised educational system."

Associate Professor Ng Sze Hui, Head of the Department of Industrial Systems Engineering and Management (ISEM) at CDE said: "On behalf of ISEM and CDE, I'd like to congratulate Hans on his scholarship and wish him all the best for his time in Beijing. Having been an active member of the NUS student community, along with his passion for accessible education and entrepreneurship, I'm sure he will find a lot of inspiration and have a lot to contribute to the community of Schwartzman Scholars."

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