24 November 2022

CDE’s female students and researchers shine at UWS STEM Fest 2022

The UWS STEM Fest 2022 took place on 29 October 2022 at the Sands Expo & Convention Centre. Organised by United Women Singapore (UWS), the festival highlighted the career opportunities that await female students with Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) education backgrounds 

The College of Design and Engineering (CDE) was proud to be represented by our female researchers and students at this event which also featured innovations from leading industry players such as Abbott, Johnson & Johnson, and Google. 

As soon as the doors opened at 9.30 am, the exhibition hall pulsed with activity as Ms Georgette Tan, President of UWS, delivered her welcome address. This was the beginning of a day of talks and panel discussions that covered topics like building your network and industry opportunities.  

Rica Teo (second from the left) shares the importance of having the right mindset when starting your career.

Rica Teo, a Year 4 Infrastructure and Project Management (IPM) student from the Department of the Built Environment (DBE), was one of the panellists for 'STEMpowered Me: A sharing session by girls in STEM'.  

Rica shared that through her interactions with senior students, she was exposed to the opportunities available in the built environment industry, strengthening her resolve to continue her studies in a STEM academic discipline. She advised young female students in the audience to "continue to build your passion by taking up internships and mentorships, as well as go for competitions" to increase confidence and career preparedness.  

Rica Teo, alongside other speakers from the panel session. The discussion was moderated by Ms Paige Parker (second from right), a board member of UWS.

Associate Professor Ong Soh Khim from the CDE Department of Mechanical Engineering (ME) spoke on 'Nurturing a Love for STEM in Girls'. Assoc Prof Ong has been with the Girls2Pioneers initiative since it was first launched in 2014. An interview that she gave relating to this event can be found here. 

Associate Professor Ong Soh Khim, from the Department of Mechanical Engineering, sharing her experience in the 'Nurturing a Love for STEM in Girls' panel discussion. She was joined by Mr Adeel Khan, Senior Technical Specialist, Microsoft and the session was moderated by Ms Tinku Gupta, Chief Technology Officer, SGX Group.

The CDE booths presented the students' work on sustainability and robotics 

CDE's exhibition booths highlighted the works of four students from DBE: Lim Zhi Qing, Research Assistant; Oh Hui Lin, Laboratory Executive and PhD student, as well as PhD students, Joyce Lim and Natasha Wu. 

Joyce Lim presented her research on Carbon Sequestration via Co-Located PV and Green Roofs in the Tropics. While studies have explored co-locating solar PV systems and green roofs, the carbon sequestration efficiency of such co-located systems has yet to be fully explored. She aims to shed more light on this area through her comprehensive study of carbon sequestration efficiency in urban farms.  

Joyce was proud to represent the College and to be able to inspire more female students to take up studies in STEM fields. She shared a simple quote that had helped in her journey thus far - "I can, and I will" - with hopes for "female leaders to step out of their comfort zone to make a difference."  

Joyce Lim, with the model she developed to help visualise her research.

Oh Hui Lin showcased a digital twin model developed with industry players in smart facilities management. Her project on Digital Twin Demonstration for Unmanned Operations and Maintenance demonstrated the possibilities and benefits of having a digital twin, a virtual replica of a physical item.  

Developed in the context of the SDE4 net-zero energy building, the digital twin is connected to Internet of Things (IoT) sensors, intelligent CCTVs and robotics. This digital twin then controls robots to conduct operations and maintenance tasks such as targeted cleaning and disinfection without human intervention.  

Hui Lin loved inspiring and encouraging more youths, especially girls, to seek opportunities through STEM. "I think we girls bring something extra and different to the table - a fresh perspective and approach to problem-solving in the industry," she elaborates.  

Guest-of-Honour Minister Josephine Teo was at the event and visited the two booths, allowing our students to share more about their research projects.  

Hui Lin demonstrating the digital twin and robot developed for her research to Minister Teo

The festival ended after the last panel discussion for the day - a fireside chat with Minister Teo titled 'STEMPowering the next gen of female leaders'.  

Over 600 students, parents, educators and STEM professionals participated in the day-long festivities. Not only was this an excellent way for young minds to be exposed to the amazing opportunities for those undertaking studies in STEM fields, but it also gave our students great exposure to display their work outside of CDE.  

We celebrate the success of our students and how they continue to inspire others to push boundaries and step out of their comfort zones!  

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