9 February 2022

NUS Chemical Engineering-From Water on Mars to Covid-19 Vaccine

Upcoming events

Chemical Engineering

From water on Mars to Covid-19 vaccines

Dear Students,

Hope you are all doing well and staying safe. For those of you who have just finished your GCE A-levels examinations, or entering your second year of your Junior College curriculum, you may be thinking about the choices available for you in your upcoming university journey.

Worry not - we are here to clear your doubts. Chemical Engineering is a diverse discipline highly relevant to a wide range of contemporary issues - be it vaccine development for COVID or addressing global-scale challenges of climate change, water scarcity or novel energy sources.

Come join us at this light-hearted online event where we share with you more about NUS Chemical Engineering, as well as hear and answer your questions. There's also an interesting segment to show you how even Hollywood brings in some Chemical Engineering concepts into a blockbuster film!

Date: 11 February 2022
Time: 11 am to 12 noon
Platform: Zoom

Programme outline:
11 am - 11.15am: Chemical Engineering and its relevance
11.15am - 11.25am: Introduction of new curriculum
11.25 am -12 noon: Q&A and Free-for-all discussion

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