28 December 2020

Engineering Alumni Awards 2020

From Left: Ms Eng Se-Hsieng, Mr Ngien Hoon Ping and Mr Tai Xu Hong
From Left: Ms Eng Se-Hsieng, Mr Ngien Hoon Ping and Mr Tai Xu Hong

The Annual Engineering Alumni Awards recognise the accomplishments and contributions of exemplary NUS Engineering alumni.

This year, three of our alumni have been recognised for their outstanding achievements.

Due to the current restrictions we have not been able to celebrate their awards at the annual Engineering Alumni Gala Dinner. Nonetheless we congratulate them on their achievements and look forward to being able to gather soon in 2021:

Distinguished Engineering Alumni Award

Awarded to alumni who have distinguished themselves nationally or internationally by their excellent and sustained contributions and achievements in public and community service; entrepreneurship; or in a profession or scholarly field.

Mr Ngien Hoon Ping is the current Chief Executive Officer (Supply Chain Business) of FairPrice Group. With an outstanding portfolio in key ministry positions, Mr Ngien has worked with GovTech (previously known as IDA) in the implementation of key initiatives to improve user experience while accessing online services with government agencies. Notable platforms include SingPass and MyInfo, both commonly used by Singaporean citizens for digital authentication purposes. Mr Ngien was also the previous Chief Executive of the Land Transport Authority (LTA), where he oversaw transport infrastructure and service delivery.

Outstanding Engineering Young Alumni Award

A new award introduced in 2019 to recognise alumni age 40 or below for their professional accomplishments and engagement to the university. 

Ms Eng Se-Hsieng is the Senior Vice President of SkyLab Services. After receiving her Master's degree in Electrical and Computer Engineering in 2003, she worked in several positions in Singtel, ranging from Mobile Network Engineering to International Groups. Ms Eng oversaw the initial launch of 3G Value-Added Services, which kickstarted Video Streaming and the national rolling out of 3G services, along with its implementation within commercial landmarks and buildings. Ms Eng joined the Vodafone Group in 2011 and played an active role in commercial planning and contract negotiations with customers from emerging markets. While leading the Business-to-Business (B2B) commercial deals team in identifying potential investment projects in the regions of Asia and Africa, Ms Eng developed an extensive global mobility which enabled her to lead Vodafone's Internet of Things in Northern Europe. She has returned to Singapore as of 2019.

Mr Tai Xu Hong is the current Director and a Co-founder of Momentus Research and WOW Kampung. Receiving a Minor in Technopreneurship along with his bachelor's degree in environmental engineering (2010), Mr Tai was inspired by the world of start-ups when he embarked on the NUS Overseas College Programme in Stockholm. With a strong passion for technology and entrepreneurial pursuits, he built two enterprises: Momentus Research utilises technology in building recognition to encourage and incentivise employee engagement and behaviour, whereas WOW Kampung is a social enterprise which provides experiential learning for environmental and interpersonal fields. With a desire to bring about social change, Mr Tai believes in using technology to facilitate interpersonal understandings of oneself. With the application of design thinking and systems, he values the integration of online platforms and user experience. Mr Tai is Singapore's representative, as a Global Member in the Dubai Future Council on Education.


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