15 November 2018

Global top 10 for employability


NUS graduates are among the world's top 10 most employable, according to the latest Global University Employability Ranking. The University has jumped six places to be ranked 10th worldwide and is the only Singapore university to feature among the global top 10, testament to a decade of increasingly strong performance in producing workplace-ready graduates.

The annual ranking, produced by French HR consultancy Emerging and published by Times Higher Education (THE), lists the top 150 institutions for employability, based on a global survey conducted between May and September of around 7,000 recruitment and international managers from major businesses across 22 countries.

Data Editor at THE Mr Simon Baker said that although Singapore may have a small footprint, it is an increasingly deep one that almost puts her on par with much larger countries. He added that by and large, the highest risers in the ranking are institutions that are equipping their students with soft skills such as teamwork, combined with the strongest possible industry experience.

NUS President Professor Tan Eng Chye said that he was delighted that NUS graduates continue to be among the world's most sought after. "NUS strives to ensure that our graduates are well-prepared for the digital economy, with deep expertise in and across disciplines, core life skills as well as a growth mindset that will position them well for a world of disruption and change."

"Students at NUS have the advantage of customising their learning journeys from a comprehensive and holistic suite of educational pathways and initiatives that range from global study opportunities, residential living and learning experiences, to industry internships and immersion in entrepreneurial hubs in Asia and beyond. We're also the first in the world to enroll our students for 20 years from the point of undergraduate admission. This comprehensive lifelong approach to education enables NUS to be a lifelong learning partner to our graduates as they upskill and reskill in their careers," added Prof Tan.

Employers, who were not part of the survey, have also consistently given positive feedback with regard to the performance of NUS graduates in the workplace. For instance, during this year's NUS career fair, Ms Jean Phoon of The Learning Lab said that NUS graduates are "really dynamic" and "know what they want", an executive from Singapore Health Services praised them as being "very well-prepared", while Ms Zerlinda Tan from Micron said that "NUS has all along churned out very bright students" which the company hopes to tap on.

This article was first published on 15 Nov 2018 in NUS News at http://news.nus.edu.sg/highlights/global-top-10-employability

The article "Employers rank NUS grads No. 10 in global poll" was published on 15 Nov 2018 in The Straits Times at https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/education/employers-rank-nus-grads-no-10-in-global-poll

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