31 December 2019

SDE’s 50th anniversary in 2019

During SDE50, we revisit our past, pay tribute to the present and envision our shared future. Join us as we create the next chapter of our school and nation together.




















Transforming Singapore Into An Endearing Home And Global City







Over a span of five decades, many generations from our SDE family have contributed to building our nation. Working closely with policy makers, industry partners and our communities, we have shaped our cityscape into a modern-day metropolis of smart infrastructure and sustainable developments, transforming Singapore into one of the most liveable cities in the world.




Our Alumni - Meet The Talents Behind Singapore's Transformation

"My goal is to be the mover for greener, healthier living environments, and to make sure the world continues to be livable for future generations."

A pioneer in green and environment leadership, Ngiang Hong has influenced corporate attitudes to address the impact of climate change, and spearheaded programmes to raise the level of eco-consciousness among stakeholders and the community. From eco-friendly malls to carbon-neutral offices, he has led his teams to win numerous awards for championing green and sustainable living in Singapore.

Chia Ngiang Hong  Class of 1977 (DRE)
Group General Manager,
City Developments Limited

"I am not so much interested in what architecture is, but what architecture can do for the larger community."

A designer and community organiser, Mizah is a strong advocate for a participatory and community-centric approach in the design and the planning of cities and neighbourhoods. Working with grassroots organisations, educational institutions, civic groups and government agencies, she is dedicated to engaging and enabling people in shaping their everyday environments and local communities.

Executive Director and Co-founder
Participate in Design (PID), a non-profit design organisation

"In a dynamic business landscape, we have to keep pushing the envelope, question the paradigm, innovate and create better ideas to thrive and stay relevant in this ever-changing environment."

As a developer, Melvin manages site acquisitions, originates concepts and plans new projects. A prominent player in the property scene, Melvin has helped shape Singapore's skyline with iconic landmarks and distinctive skyscrapers. His notable developments include Robinson Suites, Alexis Condominium and Primax, an industrial project that won the Fiabci Silver Award.

Melvin PohClass of 1997 (DRE)
Founder & Managing Director,
Fission Development Pte Ltd

"My ideal Green Building is one where you can preserve, harmonise with and enhance the natural environment and yet achieve the functional purposes of that building."

As President of Keppel Land China Limited, Ben helps to ensure that the growth and development of the communities are carried out in an environmentally responsible manner. He oversees Keppel Land's property development business in China and in 2018, he generated a net profit of more than S$600 million, with his current assets under management in China amounting to more than S$7 billion.

Ben Lee Siew Keong Class of 1997 (DOB)
President, Keppel Land China Limited (KLCL)

Special thanks to all the bidders and contributors to the SDE50 Fundraising Auction.

All proceeds go to the SDE Development Fund which will support and further our efforts to create a resilient future through creating a new SDE precinct- a prototype for urban resilience and towards nurturing future-ready talents through research and education.

Spotted Nyonya Vase

This one-of-a-kind Spotted Nyonya vase re-interprets Nyonya porcelain vessels native to Chinese-Peranakans in South East Asia. It is made using a technique similar to resist-dyeing for dye fabric patterns, masked with a new dotted motif and then sandblasted to preserve the white porcelain underneath.

Contributed by Associate Professor Hans Tan, 
Bachelor of Arts in Industrial Design (Honours),

Size : 195mm x 195mm x 220mm
Base price : S$2,780 retail price

Tiong Bahru Sketch

This watercolour sketch of Tiong Bahru was painted in ink and watercolours by architect-turned-art-and-design-educator, Ms. Tia Boon Sim. She is the founder of Urban Sketchers Singapore and has published two books under her name. Her prominent works include a 3-metre skyline painting to celebrate JTC50.

Contributed by Ms Tia Boon Sim, 
Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), 1979

Medium : Ink and Watercolours
Size : 250mm x 250mm
Base price : S$2,500 when other items in collection was sold in 2012

Chinese Bamboo Painting

Bamboo symbolises rectitude, humility and resilience as well as many other virtues in Asian culture. The painting showcases the values present in NUS SDE students and illustrates the importance of resilience. It is painted by Professor Heng Chye Kiang, professor at NUS SDE.

Contributed by Professor Heng Chye Kiang

Size : 940mm x 640mm
Base price : S$800

真 Zhen Calligraphy

This word is written with swirling curves that mimic the flow of fluid. Made in a single breath of movement as if it were dancing and singing to a certain invisible rhythm, it drips thinly at times before gathering into growing blobs. The word reminds one to cultivate an authentic self that is sincere, real, and genuine.

Contributed by Mr Choo Meng Foo,
Master of Arts (Urban Design), 1999

Medium : Chinese Ink on Rice Paper
: 350mm x 350mm
Frame Sponsored by : Mabel Goh, Bachelor of Arts (Architecture), 1991
Base price
: S$500

满 Man Calligraphy

The word is almost buried in a sea of other characters, leaving the two horns sticking above many hearts. This hints at the cessation of learning, like a filled cup that contain any more fluid. It expresses the dichotomy of fullness and containment as on the on hand, we like to be full, but are always reminded of the danger of this fullness.

Contributed by Mr Choo Meng Foo,
Master of Arts (Urban Design), 1999

Medium : Chinese Ink on Rice Paper
: 680mm x 450mm
Frame Sponsored by : Tan Kar Eng, Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) with Honours, 1991
Base price
: S$800

养 Yang Calligraphy

Here, the traditional form of the word '养' mingles with other words. It encourages viewers to lose themselves in the journey of thoughts flowing between forms and strokes, as each word may reverberate with them in a cryptic manner. In the wisdom of the Dao, as on practice Dao, he loses something every day until he returns to his origins.

Contributed by Mr Choo Meng Foo,
Master of Arts (Urban Design), 1999

Medium : Chinese Ink on Rice Paper
: 680mm x 450mm
Frame Sponsored by : Tan Kar Eng, Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) with Honours, 1991
Base price
: S$800

意 Yi, The Buddhist's Mind

Today, we see a convergence of the material and immaterial world. With String Theory, our understanding of materiality is shifting towards the consciousness of the Buddhist's mind: All realities are illusionary. The consciousness of an idea is already a reality. Only through mediation and focus, can we pin down reality.

Contributed by Mr Choo Meng Foo,
Master of Arts (Urban Design), 1999

Medium : Chinese Ink on Rice Paper
: 1400mm x 700mm
Frame Sponsored by : Tan Shao Yen, Bachelor of Arts (Architecture) with Honours, 1992
Base price
: S$1,200


The then University of Singapore established the Faculty of Architecture, offering degree programs in Architecture, Building and Estate Management.



The Faculty of Architecture & Building is one of the first faculties to move into the current National University of Singapore Kent Ridge campus.



The Department of Building Science merged with the Department of Building & Estate Management to form the School of Building & Estate Management (SBEM). SBEM started offering three new M.Sc. courses in Building Science, Project Management, and Property & Maintenance Management.



The Faculty of Architecture, Building and Real Estate was renamed the School of Design and Environment (SDE). Division of Industrial Design was set up.




The Departments of Architecture and Building are ranked among the top 10 in the world for Architecture/ Built Environment.

Source: Quacquarelli Symonds (QS) World University Rankings



The Department of Real Estate was ranked No. 1 in Asia and top 6% globally in Urban and Real Estate Economics.

Source: RePEc-IDEAS



SDE celebrates its 50th anniversary.

Launches SDE4, the first new-build Net-Zero Energy Building in Singapore. SDE4 is on track to be the first building to receive the WELL Certification here.



SDE will be pioneering sustainability and resilience in 2019 with the launch of SDE4, and renovations to SDE1 and SDE3 that will deliver advanced building performance and energy efficiency. These new developments and the upcoming canteen will form the new Engineering and Design & Environment precinct, a first-mover in re-purposing NUS to be a resilient campus of the future.

With alumni and donor support, we look forward to the redevelopment of SDE2, a building that aspires to achieve net-positive energy and net-zero water as well as to deploy a low carbon approach to construction.


Be Part Of Our Journey Forward

Inspire a new generation of professionals. Create your own legacy. And make a difference. Your support will shape the next 50 years of SDE's journey and set the stage for a new resilient future.

Why Support SDE


Nurture Future-ready Professionals For Your Business

Engage with our school's brightest minds and fulfil your organisation's future needs for qualified talents.

Tap Into Cutting-edge And Focused Research

Access interdisciplinary research and tested solutions through our seven research centres.

Drive Your Brand Through SDE

Enhance your brand equity by partnering with a world top 10 institution.

How You Can Support SDE

Make a difference today and help further our mission to create a resilient future. Your generous support will be used for:

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