News The latest news and happenings at the College of Design and Engineering Year2024202320222021202020192018201720162015 All CDE NewsAlumni & GivingAwards & AchievementsCDE in the NewsEventsResearch ImpactStudent LifeVideos Prof Liu Bin honoured among Asia’s top researchersTrailblazing scientist in the field of organic functional materials named among the Asian Scientist 100 list of Asia's top researchers.24 July 2023Read MoreAssoc Prof Hans Tan’s ‘R for Repair’ wins President’s Design AwardProject led by Division of Industrial Design professor aims to redesign the act of repairing into an inspiring and creative endeavour.13 July 2023Read MoreAsst Prof Jin Yueming wins first prize for AI in surgery workflow paperWinning project is an artificial intelligence system that accurately identifies and predicts different stages of a surgical procedure. 5 July 2023Read MoreAssoc Prof Qiu Cheng Wei made fellow of AAETAssoc Prof Qiu is known for his research in structured light and metasurfaces.4 July 2023Read MoreProfessor Lam Khee Poh honoured at Education 2.0 conferenceOutstanding Leadership Award presented at annual conference in Dubai.1 July 2023Read MoreProf Lim Chwee Teck receives Nature lifetime achievement awardAward recognises Prof Lim's mentorship of early career researchers and nurturing the next generation of scientists. 17 May 2023Read MoreProfessor Dean Ho presented with CESASC Achievement AwardAward from Chinese-American Engineers and Scientists Association of Southern California recognises innovation from honourees of Asian descent that has led to real-world impact on humanity.19 April 2023Read MoreCDE Awards and Recognition 2023More than 70 faculty from the College of Design and Engineering have been recognised for excellence in teaching and research.22 February 2023Read MoreProf Seeram Ramakrishna presented with IES awardProf Seeram (Mechanical Engineering) awarded the Institution of Engineers, Singapore (IES) Outstanding Volunteer Award 2022. 3 February 2023Read MoreCDE student awarded Schwarzman ScholarshipHans Sebastian Mulyawan will join other scholars on the prestigious programme for a year of study and cultural immersion in Beijing, starting in August 2023.8 December 2022Read MoreSoft robotics pioneer Prof Cecilia Laschi elevated to IEEE fellowProf Laschi's work has been instrumental in the growth of soft robotics research and development worldwide.24 November 2022Read MoreCDE young researchers named among most influential in Asia PacificFour young researchers among 35 from across the region named by MIT Technology Review as the year's most influential innovators.18 November 2022Read MoreFirst1234567Last