Next Generation microelectronics

Although Moore’s law is entering its twilight years with costly manufacturing, next generation microelectronics are still in great demand for the development of upcoming Internet of Things (IoT) technologies; ranging from wearable electronics to smart home products that can link and communicate with each other.

These technologies play an increasingly important role in the future technologies for healthcare, AI, communications, to infrastructures. These insatiable demands require accessible and innovative microelectronics.

At the College of Design and Engineering (CDE), we have established the “Singapore Hybrid-Integrated Next Generation μ-Electronics (SHINE) Centre” -the first research platform in Singapore to create next generation hybrid-integrated (flexible and rigid) microelectronics, and to address the grand challenges of next generation IoT technologies in the context of Singapore’s Smart Nation Infrastructure.

SHINE will pave the way for the establishment of a new innovation-driven sustainable microelectronics manufacturing industry in the country.