Ocean infrastructure and renewables

NUS College of Design and Engineering supports the global effort on energy transition and tackling climate change, through our research on renewable energy and space creation at sea. Renewable energy is instrumental to Singapore’s energy security for a low carbon future. The sector is growing rapidly, driven by environmental concerns, technological advancements and declining cost. The growth of offshore renewable wind and solar farms in the region signifies our drive for clean energy, at the same time creating opportunities for offshore engineers to tackle issues relating to the environmental and seabed characteristics of the region.

With the increasing demand for liveable space, floating infrastructure is a viable solution for our land-scare Singapore. The development of a cost-effective infrastructure for coastal protection is also a critical part in our efforts to combat the impacts of sea-level rise. Tapping on our technology and expertise in the offshore and marine sector, NUS College of Design and Engineering aims to play a leading role in the research on ocean infrastructure and renewables, and collectively drive the transformation of the local offshore and marine industry toward greener energy.

Currently there are three key main research themes under Ocean Infrastructure & Renewables:

Offshore and ocean infrastructure

Shallow and deep water technologies for explorations of natural resources and creation of liveable space at sea

Renewable energy infrastructure

Structural and foundation systems for wind and solar energy generators

Predictability of offshore and subsea structures

Use of artificial intelligence and smart sensors for predicting structural responses in offshore environments