Urban Solutions & Sustainability

NUS CDE has been conducting R&D to provide a holistic approach on a multi-disciplinary platform to address the needs in the area of Urban Solutions and Sustainability (USS). We have been working closely with agencies such as Energy Market Authority (EMA), Building and Construction Authority (BCA), Land Transport Authority (LTA), Urban Redevelopment Authority (URA), Housing and Development Board (HDB), National Parks Board (NParks), Centre for Liveable Cities (CLC) and National Environment Agency (NEA) in tackling key urban, environmental and economic sustainability issues. NUS CDE is well-positioned to innovate urban and sustainability solutions that are increasingly needed in Singapore and the rest of the world. Our research activities include Sustainable Cities, Space Creation, Urban Mobility, Energy, Environment (Air, noise, water quality and wastewater treatment and management) and computational planning and management sciences. 

The research themes under Urban Solutions and Sustainability are: 

  • Infrastructure 
  • Built Environment 
  • Water and Environment 
  • Urban Mobility 
  • Sustainable Cities and Communities 
  • Landscapes as Nature-based Solutions 
  • Urban Climate Sensitive Planning and Design 
  • Urban Prototyping and AnalyticsÂ