Corporate Laboratories

Cisco-NUS Accelerated Digital Economy Corporate Laboratory

Cisco Systems Pte. Ltd and the National University of Singapore (NUS) established the Cisco-NUS Accelerated Digital Economy Corporate Laboratory on 1 July 2021. The Corp Lab will take a 360-degree view to accelerate Singapore’s Digital Economy transformation, by creating network-enabled, secure, data driven organizations with a future-ready workforce. This will be achieved by tapping on NUS’ multi-disciplinary expertise and digital technologies seamlessly under one roof and Cisco’s industry leadership and cutting-edge technology capabilities in secure, intelligent network platforms for digital business.

Applied Materials-NUS Advanced Materials Corporate Laboratory

Applied Materials Singapore Technology Pte. Ltd (AMAT) and the National University of Singapore (NUS) established the AMAT-NUS Advanced Materials Corporate Laboratory on 18 April 2018 to develop novel advanced materials, materials engineering techniques and systems at the nanoscale to enable the next generation of semiconductors. The Corporate Lab will leverage NUS’ multi-disciplinary expertise from NUS Engineering and Faculty of Science to boost the University’s capabilities in advanced materials technologies, as well as create a synergistic industry-university partnership.

Previous Corporate Laboratory projects

Sembcorp-NUS Corporate Laboratory

Sembcorp Industries (Sembcorp) and NUS established the Sembcorp-NUS Corporate Laboratory on 20 April 2016 to develop new, competitive and sustainable solutions in the areas of energy, water and waste-to-resource. Research activities at the lab focused on solutions to optimise power generation while reducing emissions and waste residue, enhancing industrial water and wastewater treatment systems, as well as transforming waste into useful and high-value products such as ultra-light composites for modular construction. The Corp Lab projects were completed by 30 September 2021. The Corp Lab’s achievements include: 11 patents and 10 new technologies taken up by the companies in the area of condition monitoring and advanced preventive maintenance; numerical simulation to enhance boiler performance and emission reduction; enhanced and cost-effective industrial wastewater treatment; conversion of solid residues from coal combustion facilities and carbon soot to high value products; and fast track volumetric construction based on composite design using lightweight high performance materials. Two NUS spin-off companies were established by the researchers from the programme, namely, REOMEx Pte. Ltd and CBE Eco-Solutions Pte. Ltd., that would commercialise selected technologies developed from the Corp Lab projects.

Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory

Keppel Corporation (Keppel) and NUS established the Keppel-NUS Corporate Laboratory on 25 November 2013 to pursue three main research thrusts centred on Future Systems (Deepwater Technology and Arctic Technology), Future Yards (Productivity Enhancement of Yard Operations) and Future Resources (Deepsea Seabed Nodule Harvesting) to meet the challenges of the offshore industry. The Corp Lab projects were completed by 31 December 2020. The Corp Lab’s achievements include: Deepwater Technology: Optimized floater designs to reduce motions and environmental loads to improve operability window and station keeping performance. An innovative Low Motion Semisubmersible (LMS) developed was awarded the IES Prestigious Engineering Achievement Award and the ASEAN Outstanding Engineering Achievement Award in 2018. Arctic Technology: Developed technology for better understanding and reliable prediction of ice-structure interaction for the design of Arctic offshore structures. Yard Productivity: Improve productivity and working environment in yard, and reduce reliance on manual labour through the use of robots and automation. Deepsea Seabed Nodule Harvesting: Development of Environmental Impact Assessment capabilities to understand the impact of exploration and exploitation of deep-sea polymetallic nodules on the marine environment.