Me and bIT bIT

Charlotte embarked on a 2-week internship, in which she designed a new mascot for IT Care, for use by NUSIT to communicate with NUS staff on IT-related matters.

Charlotte was tasked to create a visual mascot that could convey the message at a glance, leaving a positive impression at the same time. She went on to design a rabbit mascot to embody the different service messages. She conducted research to better understand a rabbit’s composition, from which she successfully produced different facial elements, expressions and bunny postures.

Charlotte Ho, Year 3 Student, Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Design)
Charlotte Ho, Year 3 Student, Bachelor of Arts (Industrial Design)

On her challenges and takeaways, Charlotte said: “As with most design projects, it is a challenge to synergise various opinions, while retaining the essence of the design. It takes good judgement and candour to see one’s design objectively. When opinions differed, which were often, I handled them by breaking them down into more identifiable components, before bringing them back together again.”

Charlotte’s tenacity paid off. The NUSIT Management team endorsed her design and eventually implemented it. Today, her rabbit mascot, more endearingly known as “bIT bIT”, can be seen in service email correspondences sent by NUSIT. The service email with the “bIT bIT” mascot is to provide regular updates to staff on IT matters, for example, IT maintenance announcement, IT service broken down, and some such.

Process 1
Process 1
Process 2
Process 2
Process 2
Process 2
Final range
Final range