Building & Estate Management Society

Founded in 1968, the Building & Estate Management Society (BEMS) aims to provide an avenue for the Infrastructure & Project Management (formerly: Project & Facilities Management) and Real Estate students to collaborate and connect with one another, alumni, staff and professionals in both the Built Environment and Real Estate industries. BEMS offers holistic support for the IPM/RE students, providing welfare and networking opportunities to boost their future career prospects.

Throughout the year, BEMS held many events for the student population to foster a sense of belonging and promote the well-being of students. We organised welfare events such as the Back to School Giveaway, which is a rejuvenation and morale booster to kick start the semester, and the annual BEMS Camp, which creates an opportunity for freshmen to get to know one another. BEMS also collaborated with other clubs to hold larger scale events, such as the BEMSxDE Christmas Day Event, which is a collaborative effort with DE Club to coordinate a 2-day hybrid Christmas celebration comprising a fun filled day of activities and a magical Christmas Movie Night held on NUS campus.

This year, we have also launched our LinkedIn profile, which serves as a platform to provide a network for the students, professors, alumni and the industry to connect. In addition, BEMS embarked on our first ever podcast and newsletter initiatives. Our podcast, Career Chit Chat, is a collaboration with the Centre for Future-ready Graduates (CFG) that features alumni and industry personnel, sharing experiences and tips in the workplace. Our newsletter, News Block, reports on insightful stories in the industries and recaps on the events that occurred in the past semester.

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