Civil Engineering Club

NUS Civil Engineering Club (CE Club) of the National University of Singapore is an affiliated club of the NUS Students’ Engineering Club. Established in 1997, the NUS CE Club looks specifically into the wellbeing and interests of the Civil Engineering undergraduates. Our vision is to serve every Civil Engineering student in matters pertaining to their academics, welfare, industry exposure and career development. Consisting of a very dedicated team of leaders, we organise events throughout the year aiming to cover different aspects of an undergraduate’s journey in university while working closely with the CEE department and our industry sponsors.   

We distribute welfare pack to our undergraduates before finals period of each semester and annual CE planners at the start of the academic year. We also collaborate with Environmental Science and Engineering Students’ Club (ESESC) for the annual Civil and Environmental Engineering Day as well as Civil and Environmental Science Engineering (CESE) Freshmen Orientation Camp. In addition, we organise a Built Environment Case Competition annually, alumni and industry outreach events aimed to expose our undergraduates to the industry.  


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