Independent Work (IW)

IW (EG2606A/B) aims to promote self-study, critical thinking, and independent exploration within the context of a student-proposed project. The project may include activities such as systems development (e.g. hardware/software systems and mechanical systems) or participation in a recognised national and international competition.

Students may initiate a project individually or as a team of no more than four members by submitting a proposal via the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) Enhancement Programmes portal. The proposal should outline the background, nature and scope of the activity, and intended learning outcomes from the project. The expected amount of time spent on the project should be at least 65 hours (for EG2606A which carries 2 units) or 130 hours (for EG2606B which carries 4 units). Students should also identify a suitable supervisor for the project. The main supervisor for IW must be a full-time academic staff from CDE (includes staff with joint appointments with CDE). Once the proposal has been approved by the supervisor, students may commence work on the project.

The work for the project should be completed within the duration of a single semester or both parts of the Special Term*. At the end of the project, students must submit a report of no more than 10 pages to their supervisor via the CDE Enhancement Programmes portal to summarise the work which they have completed and demonstrate that they have achieved the intended learning outcomes. For group project, each team member must submit a report individually. The supervisor will grade their performance in the project and the report submitted at the end of the project.

To enrol for the course, students must be from the CDE and should be at least Stage 2 standing (i.e. completed 36 units before commencing IW). This is to ensure that students have sufficient basic engineering knowledge in order to propose a meaningful project and to work independently on the project with minimum supervision. IW cannot be undertaken concurrently with SEP, NOC and Industrial Attachment (IA). Students must ensure that they have submitted their final report for IW before they commence SEP, NOC and IA. A student doing FYP can concurrently take IW, however the FYP project should be different from the IW project. The units for this course will be counted towards the unrestricted elective requirement of the Bachelor’s degree.

(*Students enrolling in Special Term will be charged fees for one part of the Special Term i.e. Special Term Part 1. Students prior to Cohort 2019/2020 may qualify for a rebate of the Special Term fees if they graduate within the normal candidature period.)

Timeline for EG2606A/B in AY2023/2024

Activity Semester 1 Semester 2 Special Term
Register via the Enhancement Programmes portal Week -1 & Week 0

(31 July 2023 to 11 Aug 2023)

Week -2 & Week -1

(1 Jan 2024 to 12 Jan 2024)

Week -2 & Week -1

(29 Apr 2024 to 10 May 2024)

Enrolment of EG2606A/B in EduRec by Dean’s Office Week 3 & Week 4

(28 Aug 2023 to 8 Sep 2023)

Week 3 & Week 4

(29 Jan 2024 to 9 Feb 2024)

Week 2

(20 May 2024 to 24 May 2024)

Submission of report via the Enhancement Programmes portal End of Reading Week

(24 Nov 2023)

End of Reading Week

(26 Apr 2024)

End of Special Term 2

(29 Jul 2024)

Course Withdrawal

  • For regular semesters, students who drop the course between Week 3 and end of the Recess Week will receive a ‘W’ grade, while those who drop the course after the end of the Recess Week will receive a ‘CU’ grade. For the Special Term, students will receive a ‘W’ grade if they drop the course during Week 3 and a ‘CU’ grade thereafter.
  • To drop the course, send an e-mail to your supervisor and the IW Administration Team ( citing reason/s for dropping EG2606A/B.

Project Extension

Requests for extending the IW project deadline should be placed via the Enhancement Programmes portal. For a given semester, the deadline to apply for project extension is Friday of Week 10. To place the request, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to Enhancement Programmes portal.
  2. Go to Independent Work > Request for extension > Provide reason for extension > Click Next > Confirm the details > Submit

Note: For group projects, the leader alone needs to place a request on behalf of the team.

After the request has been reviewed by your supervisor, an e-mail informing the outcome of the request will be sent to you. If the request is approved by the supervisor, the deadline will be automatically extended to the Friday of Week 14 of next semester.


Please e-mail for general and administrative enquiries or contact your Programme’s IW coordinator.

Programme IW Coordinator Email
Biomedical Engineering A/Prof Huang Zhiwei
Chemical Engineering A/Prof Chiu Min-Sen
Civil Engineering Dr Kuang Sze Chiang, Kevin
Computer Engineering
A/Prof Xiang Cheng
Electrical Engineering A/Prof Xiang Cheng
Engineering Science A/Prof Karl Erik Birgersson
Environmental Engineering A/Prof Yu Liya
Industrial & Systems Engineering A/Prof Liu Yang
Materials Science & Engineering A/Prof Tan Swee Ching
Mechanical Engineering A/Prof Yang Wenming