Double Degree Programmes with College of Humanities and Sciences


Students from Cohort AY2021/2022 onwards may pursue a double degree programme (DDP) between the College of Design and Engineering (CDE) and the College of Humanities and Sciences (CHS) which may comprise any combination of majors between the two colleges. They will graduate with two honours degrees, one from CDE and the other from CHS. The DDP can be completed within 4 or 4.5 years (i.e. 8 or 9 regular semesters). 

Overall curriculum structure

In general, students will typically need to read around 180 units in order to complete the DDP. However, this number may be higher or lower depending on the specific combination of majors from CDE and CHS that is selected for the DDP as there may be some courses which can be double-counted between the selected majors or some majors may have additional courses.

The overall curriculum structure of the DDP comprises the following:

  • A combined CDE-CHS Common Curriculum
  • One major from CDE
  • One major from CHS


DDP requirement Units
Combined CDE-CHS Common Curriculum 60
Major from ONE of the following degree programmes in CDE:

  • Bachelor of Engineering
    • Biomedical Engineering
    • Chemical Engineering
    • Computer Engineering
    • Civil Engineering
    • Electrical Engineering
    • Engineering Science
    • Environmental Engineering
    • Industrial & Systems Engineering
    • Infrastructure & Project Management
    • Materials Science & Engineering
    • Mechanical Engineering
  • Bachelor of Arts *
    • Architecture
    • Industrial Design
  • Bachelor of Landscape Architecture *
  • Bachelor of Science *
    • Project & Facilities Management
Major from ONE of the following degree programmes in CHS:

  • Bachelor of Arts
    • Chinese Language
    • Chinese Studies
    • English Language and Linguistics
    • English Literature
    • Global Studies
    • History
    • Japanese Studies
    • Malay Studies
    • Philosophy
    • South Asian Studies
    • Southeast Asian Studies
    • Theatre and Performance Studies
  • Bachelor of Social Sciences
    • Anthropology (Cohort AY2022/2023 onward)
    • Communications and New Media
    • Economics
    • Geography
    • Political Science
    • Psychology
    • Social Work
    • Sociology
  • Bachelor of Science
    • Chemistry
    • Data Science and Analytics
    • Food Science and Technology *
    • Life Sciences
    • Mathematics
    • Pharmaceutical Science *
    • Physics
    • Quantitative Finance
    • Statistics

or ONE of the following Cross-Disciplinary Programmes (XDPs): 

  • Bachelor of Environmental Studies (BES) *
  • Bachelor of Science in Data Science & Economics (DSE) *
  • Bachelor of Arts in Philosophy, Politics, and Economics (PPE) *
60 (all majors except XDPs)

92 (BES XDP)

96 (DES XDP)

100 (PPE XDP)

Compulsory honours project/thesis or applied project/internship requirement for the following CHS majors:

  • Chemistry
  • Data Science and Analytics
  • Food Science and Technology *
  • Pharmaceutical Science *
  • Physics
  • Statistics
8 (if required)
Total 180 (or 188)

212 (BES XDP)

216 (DSE XDP)

216 (PPE XDP)

* NOTE: Only for students who are taking these majors as first/primary degree programme.

Combined CDE-CHS Common Curriculum

Students in this DDP will read a combined set of Common Curriculum courses to fulfil the requirements in both CDE and CHS. For each pillar in the Common Curriculum, students will take one course either from CDE or CHS as specified below. These courses are classified as CA and contribute to the GPA for both CDE and CHS degree programmes.

Some courses in the Common Curriculum may also be replaced by those from the University Town College Programme (UTCP), Ridge View Residential College (RVRC) programme, or NUS College (NUSC).

Common Curriculum for CDE Common Curriculum for CHS Course to be read by CDE-CHS DDP students
Cultures and Connections Integrated Asian Studies
  • Default is HSA1000 Asian Interconnections.
  • CDE students who have read a Cultures and Connections course prior to enrolment in the DDP do not need to take HSA1000. The same arrangement applies even if they withdraw from the DDP and transfer to CHS.
  • CDE students who withdraw from the DDP after completing HSA1000 and remain in CDE do not need to take another course to fulfil Cultures and Connections.
  • NUSC students will read Global Social Thought in lieu of Cultures and Connections in the CDE Common Curriculum, and one Making Connections course from the Humanities and Social Sciences basket in lieu of Integrated Asian Studies in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Critique and Expression Integrated Humanities
  • Default is HSH1000 The Human Condition.
  • CDE students who have read ES2631 or another Critique and Expression course prior to enrolment in the DDP do not need to take HSH1000. The same arrangement applies even if they withdraw from the DDP and transfer to CHS.
  • CDE students who withdraw from the DDP after completing HSH1000 and remain in CDE do not need to take ES2631 or another course to fulfil Critique and Expression.
  • NUSC students will read Global Narratives in lieu of Critique and Expression in the CDE Common Curriculum and Integrated Humanities in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Singapore Studies Integrated Social Sciences
  • Default is HSS1000 Understanding Social Complexity.
  • CDE students who have read a Singapore Studies course prior to enrolment in the DDP do not need to take HSS1000. The same arrangement applies even if they withdraw from the DDP and transfer to CHS.
  • CDE students who withdraw from the DDP after completing HSS1000 and remain in CDE do not need to take another course to fulfil Singapore Studies.
  • NUSC students will read Understanding the Social World: Singapore and Beyond in lieu of Singapore Studies in the CDE Common Curriculum and Integrated Social Sciences in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Design Thinking Design Thinking
  • Default is DTK1234 Design Thinking.
  • Architecture and Landscape Architecture students will read DTK1234A instead of DTK1234.
  • Students who have polytechnic diplomas that are accredited to their CDE major may be exempted from this course. If their home Faculty is CDE, they do not need to read this module if they withdraw from the DDP and transfer to CHS.
Data Literacy Data Literacy
  • Default is GEA1000 Quantitative Reasoning with Data.
  • Students can read ST1131, DSA1100, BT1101 or NUSC course in lieu of GEA1000. Students who withdraw from the DDP after reading these courses  do not need to take GEA1000.
  • Students in these selected majors must take the following major-specific courses in lieu of GEA1000:
    • Data Science & Analytics: DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science
    • Data Science & Economics: DSE1101 Introductory Data Science for Economics
    • Industrial & Systems Engineering: IE1111R Industrial & Systems Engrg Principles & Practice I
    • Statistics: ST1131 Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Computing
  • Students who are doing a DDP in Industrial & Systems Engineering with Data Science & Analytics, Data Science & Economics, or Statistics must read the Data Literacy courses for both majors.
  • NUSC students except those in the selected majors above will read GEA1000N Quantitative Reasoning with Data lieu of GEA1000.
Communities and Engagement Communities and Engagement
Creating Narratives Writing
  • Default is CDE2000 Creating Narratives for students whose home Faculty is CDE, and one of the following for students whose home Faculty is CHS:
    • FAS1101 Writing Academically: Arts and Social Sciences
    • SP1541 Exploring Science Communication through Popular Science
    • SP2271 Introduction to the Scientific Literature
  • Students can choose to read the course from the second Faculty instead of home Faculty. Those who withdraw from the DDP after reading the course from the second Faculty do not need to read the course in the home Faculty.
  • NUSC students will read Thinking with Writing in lieu of Creating Narratives in the CDE Common Curriculum and Writing in the CHS Common Curriculum.
  • UTCP students will read an Ideas and Exposition course to fulfil this pillar.
  • RVRC students will read an RVC/RVX/RVSS-coded course to fulfil this pillar.
Sustainable Futures Scientific Inquiry I
  • Default is EG2501 Liveable Cities for students whose home Faculty is CDE, and one of the following for students whose home Faculty is CHS:
    • HSI1000 How Science Works, Why Science Works
    • SP2274 Engineering a Life-like Cell
  • Students can choose to read the course from the second Faculty instead of home Faculty. Those who withdraw from the DDP after reading the course from the second Faculty do not need to read the course in the home Faculty.
  • NUSC students must choose either EG2501 Liveable Cities from CDE or Science and Society from NUSC.
Systems Thinking Scientific Inquiry II
  • Default is IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics for students whose home Faculty is CDE, and one course from basket of Scientific Inquiry II modules for students whose home Faculty is CHS.
  • Students can choose to read the course from the second Faculty instead of home Faculty. Those who withdraw from the DDP after reading the course from the second Faculty do not need to read the course in the home Faculty.
  • Students who have read the Junior Seminar course (UTC1702%) in Residential College 4 are exempted from this course and must replace it with 4 MCs of unrestricted electives.
  • NUSC students must still read IE2141 Systems Thinking and Dynamics even though they will read one Making Connections course from the Science, Technology, Engineering and Math basket in lieu of Scientific Inquiry II in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Digital Literacy Digital Literacy
  • Default is CS1010% Programming Methodology (any variant).
  • Students in the following CDE majors and whose CHS major does not require CS1010% can read these courses in lieu of CS1010%:
    • Architecture and Landscape Architecture: AR2524 Spatial Computational Thinking
    • Industrial Design: ID2116 Computing for Design
  • CHS students who have read different courses for this pillar prior to enrolment in the DDP will still need to complete CS1010% (or the above courses if they are enrolled in these majors from CDE).
  • NUSC students in Engineering majors must read CS1010% in lieu of Computational Problem Solving.
Artificial Intelligence Artificial Intelligence
  • Default is EE2211 Introduction to Machine Learning.
  • Students who are enrolled in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, and Industrial Design may take the following courses in lieu of EE2211.
    • HS1501 Artificial Intelligence and Society
    • IT1244 Artificial Intelligence: Technology and Impact
  • CHS students who have read HS1501, IT1244, or other equivalent courses prior to enrolment in the DDP will still need to complete EE2211 unless they are enrolled in Architecture, Landscape Architecture, Industrial Design or Project and Facilities Management for the second degree.
  • CHS students who withdraw from the DDP after completing EE2211 and remain in CHS is considered to have fulfilled Artificial Intelligence in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Maker Space Interdisciplinary Course I
  • EG1311 Design and Make.
  • Students with accredited diplomas are exempted from this course.
  • Students in this DDP whose CHS major is an XDP must still complete this course even though those who are not in the DDP are exempted from Interdisciplinary Course I and Interdisciplinary Course II.
  • CHS students who withdraw from the DDP after reading EG1311 do not need to read Interdisciplinary Course I and/or Interdisciplinary Course II in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Project Management Interdisciplinary Course II
  • PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management.
  • Students in this DDP whose CHS major is an XDP must still complete this course even though those who are not in the DDP are exempted from Interdisciplinary Course I and Interdisciplinary Course II.
  • CHS students who withdraw from the DDP after reading PF1101 do not need to read Interdisciplinary Course I and/or Interdisciplinary Course II in the CHS Common Curriculum.
Integrated Project -
  • Students to choose from curated list of Integrated Project courses for CDE majors.

Joint final year project or honours thesis

Students in this DDP may opt for a single joint final year project (FYP) or honours thesis (HT) to satisfy the Integrated Project module in the CDE Common Curriculum and the FYP/HT module in CHS (for majors that have an optional or compulsory FYP/HT), subject to the following conditions:

  • The scope of work for the joint FYP/HT is approved by both CDE and CHS majors.
  • The joint FYP/HT must be supervised by academic staff from both majors or academic staff with joint appointment in both majors.
  • The joint FYP/HT is not used to fulfil a specialisation within either major.

Typically, the joint FYP/HT will be done under the FYP/HT course code of the student’s home Faculty or primary major. However, if the number of units for the FYP/HT module in the student’s second Faculty or major is greater than that in the home Faculty or primary major, the joint FYP/HT will be read under the former’s course code.

Double counting between CDE and CHS majors

Double counting of courses between the two majors from CDE and CHS, including the joint FYP/HT, will be considered on a major-to-major basis. This is subject to a limit of 24 units (i.e., 40% of each major) and a minimum graduation requirement of 160 units for the DDP.

Pre-approved double counting arrangements between selected CDE and CHS majors may be found below. This list will be updated over time as new DDP combinations are formed and when new courses relevant to both majors are proposed. Where there is no pre-approved double counting arrangement, students will be required to seek approval from both CDE and CHS.

Students can double-count either 4 units or 8 units from any combination of the following mathematics courses in an Engineering major toward: (a) EC2104 Quantitative Methods for Economic Analysis, and (b) one 4-unit Level 2000 EC elective.

  • MA1511 Engineering Calculus (2 units)
  • MA1512 Differential Equations (2 units)
  • MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations (2 units)
  • MA1505 Mathematics I (4 units)
  • MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering (4 units)
Engineering major EC2104 Level 2000 EC elective
Biomedical Engineering MA1511 + MA1513 -
Chemical Engineering MA1511 + MA1513 -
Civil Engineering MA1511 + MA1513 -
Computer Engineering MA1511 + MA1512 MA1508E
Electrical Engineering MA1511 + MA1512 MA1508E
Engineering Science MA1511 + MA1512 MA1508E
Environmental Engineering MA1511 + MA1513 -
Industrial & Systems Engineering MA1511 + MA1512 MA1508E
Infrastructure & Project Management MA1511 + MA1513 -
Materials Science & Engineering MA1511 + MA1513 -
Mechanical Engineering MA1512 + MA1513 MA1505

Additionally, students from Industrial & System Engineering may double-count ST2334 Probably and Statistics toward EC2303 Foundations of Econometrics. Students who have completed EC2303 prior to reading ST2334 must still complete the latter.

Subject to approval from both majors, students whose home Faculty is CDE may double-count one of the options for Integrated Project in the CDE Common Curriculum toward EC4401 Honours Thesis in the Economics major. Similarly, students whose home Faculty is CHS may double-count EC4401 toward Integrated Project.

EC4401 Honours Thesis may also be replaced with EC-coded Level 4000 regular courses. However, students must still complete the Integrated Project in the CDE Common Curriculum and there is no double-counting between the Integrated Project course and the EC-coded Level 4000 courses.

Students should read the following equivalent MA-coded courses in the Mathematics major instead of those in their Engineering major.

Course in Engineering major Course in Mathematics major Course to be read by DDP students
CE2407A Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers (2 units) MA2116 Probability (4 units)


(Students who have read CE2407A must still complete MA2116. The excess 2 units from replacement of CE2407A by MA2116 will be counted as unrestricted elective.)

CS1231 Discrete Structures (4 units) * MA1100 Basic Discrete Structures (4 units) MA1100
MA1505 Mathematics I (4 units) * MA2002 Calculus (4 units) MA2002
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering (4 units) * MA2001 Linear Algebra (4 units) MA2001
MA1511 Engineering Calculus (2 units) and MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering (2 units) * MA2002 Calculus (4 units) MA2002
MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations (2 units) MA2001 Linear Algebra (4 units)


(Students who have read MA1513 must still complete MA2001. The excess 2 units from replacement of MA1513 by MA2001 will be counted as unrestricted elective.)

ST2334 Probability and Statistics (4 units) * MA2116 Probability (4 units) MA2116

* NOTE: Because of the two-way preclusions between these courses in the Engineering majors their equivalent courses in Mathematics, students whose home Faculty is CDE are strongly encouraged to read the latter instead of the former if they are planning to enrol in this DDP. However, mid-stream DDP students whose home Faculty is CDE and have read the former can request to double-count them toward the latter.

Students can double-count up to 12 units of these courses between their Engineering major and Mathematics.

Engineering major Courses that can be double-counted between Engineering and Mathematics
Biomedical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Chemical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Civil Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Computer Engineering
  • MA1100 Basic Discrete Mathematics
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Electrical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Engineering Science
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Environmental Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Industrial & Systems Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Infrastructure & Project Management
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Materials Science & Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Mechanical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus


Students should read the following equivalent MA-coded courses in the Quantitative Finance major instead of those in their Engineering major.

Course in Engineering major Course in Mathematics major Course to be read by DDP students
CE2407A Uncertainty Analysis for Engineers (2 units) MA2116 Probability (4 units)


(Students who have read CE2407A must still complete MA2116. The excess 2 units from replacement of CE2407A by MA2116 will be counted as unrestricted elective.) 

MA1505 Mathematics I (4 units) * MA2002 Calculus (4 units) MA2002
MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering (4 units) * MA2001 Linear Algebra (4 units) MA2001
MA1511 Engineering Calculus (2 units) and MA1512 Differential Equations for Engineering (2 units) * MA2002 Calculus (4 units) MA2002
MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations (2 units) MA2001 Linear Algebra (4 units)


(Students who have read MA1513 must still complete MA2001. The excess 2 units from replacement of MA1513 by MA2001 will be counted as unrestricted elective.)

ST2334 Probability and Statistics (4 units) * MA2116 Probability (4 units) MA2116

* NOTE: Because of the two-way preclusions between these courses in the Engineering majors their equivalent courses in Quantitative Finance, students whose home Faculty is CDE are strongly encouraged to read the latter instead of the former if they are planning to enrol in this DDP. However, mid-stream DDP students whose home Faculty is CDE and have read the former can request to double-count them toward the latter.

Students can double-count up to 8 units of these courses between their Engineering major and Quantitative Finance.

Engineering major Courses that can be double-counted between Engineering and Quantitative Finance
Biomedical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Chemical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Civil Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Computer Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Electrical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Engineering Science
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
Environmental Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Industrial & Systems Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Infrastructure & Project Management
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2116 Probability
Materials Science & Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus
  • MA2116 Probability
Mechanical Engineering
  • MA2001 Linear Algebra
  • MA2002 Calculus


Students can double-count one 4-unit LSM32xx/LSM42xx elective (except LSM3288 and LSM4288x) from the Biomedical Sciences (BMS) or Molecular and Cell Biology (MCB) basket as a BME Technical Elective.

Students can double-count EG2605 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) in lieu of LSM3288/LSM4288x to satisfy the compulsory research milestone in the Life Sciences major requirements, subject to the following conditions:

  • The scope of work for EG2605 is approved by both Biomedical Engineering and Life Sciences.
  • The EG2605 project must be jointly supervised by academic staff from both majors.

Students who meet the above requirements for EG2605 do not need to take LSM3288/LSM4288x to satisfy the compulsory research component in the Life Sciences major.

Subject to approval from both majors, students whose home Faculty is CDE may double-count BN4101 B.Eng. Dissertation (one of the options for Integrated Project in the CDE Common Curriculum) toward LSM4288x Research Project (in the Life Sciences major/graduation requirement but not specialisation, meaning students will have to top up 8 unit from the specialisation requirements). Similarly, students whose home Faculty is CHS may double-count LSM4288x toward BN4101.

Students can double-count one of the following 4-unit LSM electives as an ESE Technical Elective:

  • LSM3254 Ecology of Aquatic Environments
  • LSM3255 Ecology of Terrestrial Environments
  • LSM3272 Global Change Biology
  • LSM4260 Plankton Ecology
  • LSM4261 Marine Biology
  • LSM4262 Tropical Conservation Biology
  • LSM4263 Field Studies in Biodiversity
  • LSM4264 Freshwater Biology

Students can double-count EG2605 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (UROP) in lieu of LSM3288/LSM4288x to satisfy the compulsory research milestone in the Life Sciences major, subject to the following conditions:

  • The scope of work for EG2605 is approved by both Environmental Engineering and Life Sciences.
  • The EG2605 project must be jointly supervised by academic staff from both majors.

Students who meet the above requirements for EG2605 do not need to take LSM3288/LSM4288x to satisfy the compulsory research component in the Life Sciences major.

Subject to approval from both majors, students whose home Faculty is CDE may double-count ESE4502R B.Eng. Dissertation (one of the options for Integrated Project in the CDE Common Curriculum) toward LSM4288x Research Project (in the Life Sciences major/graduation requirement but not specialisation, meaning students will have to top up 8 units from the specialisation requirements). Similarly, students whose home Faculty is CHS may double-count LSM4288x toward ESE4502R.

Students can double-count up to 16 units of these core and elective courses between Engineering Science and Physics.

Engineering Science course Physics course Course to be read by DDP students
PC2130B Applied Quantum Physics PC2130 Quantum Mechanics I

Choose either PC2130B or PC2130

PC2020 Electromagnetics for Electrical Engineers PC2031 Electricity and Magnetism I Choose either PC2020 or PC2031
PC3235B Applied Solid State Physics PC3235 Solid State Physics I Choose either PC3235B or PC3235
MA1511 Engineering Calculus and MA1512 Differential Equations PC2174A Mathematical Methods in Physics Choose either (MA1511 + MA1512) or PC2174A

* NOTE: Mid-stream DDP students whose home Faculty is CDE can only double-count MA1511 and MA1512 toward PC2174A if they have also read MA1508E Linear Algebra for Engineering. Otherwise, they will need to complete MA1513 Linear Algebra with Differential Equations in addition to MA1511 and MA1512.

Subject to approval from both majors, students whose home Faculty is CDE may double-count ESP4901 Research Project (one of the options for Integrated Project in the CDE Common Curriculum) toward PC4288 Honours Project in Physics which is a graduation requirement for the Physics major (but not PC4288A/N/Q which are meant for specialisation). Similarly, students whose home Faculty is CHS may double-count PC4288 toward ESP4901.

Internship for CDE majors

Student in this DDP who are enrolled in an Engineering major as a first or second degree programme must complete at least 10 units of internship courses/modules via any combination of the following:

  • CFG2101 NUS Vacation Internship Programme (4 units)
  • CP3200 Internship (6 units) - for those in Computer Engineering only
  • CP3202 Internship II (6 units) - for those in Computer Engineering only
  • CP3880 Advanced Technology Attachment Programme (12 units) - for those in Computer Engineering only
  • EG2605 Undergraduate Research Opportunities Programme (4 units)
  • EG3612 Vacation Industrial Attachment (6 units)
  • EG3611A Industrial Attachment (10 units)
  • TR3202N/S/T Start-up Internship Programme (12 units) - for those in NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programmes only
  • ETP3201L/S Innovation & Enterprise Internship (12 units) - for those in NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programmes only
  • ETP3205 Innovation & Enterprise Internship (6 units) - for those in NUS Overseas Colleges (NOC) programmes only

Polytechnic-intake and other students who have received advanced placements credits for the internship requirement will be considered as having fulfilled the requirement.


Students who are interested to pursue this DDP must meet the following criteria:

  • Have a minimum GPA of 4.00 (before exercising the S/U option on any course) for their first degree programme.
  • Completed between 60 units and 80 units (excluding units earned from student exchange programmes or advanced placement credits), i.e. just after the third semester or fourth semester in NUS.
  • Passed at least 12 units of courses from the major in the second degree programme, including the gateway course(s) for the major listed below but excluding courses in the CDE-CHS Common Curriculum and those that are double-counted between the CDE and CHS majors.
  • Obtained a minimum average grade point of 4.00 (before exercising the S/U option) for the courses from the major in the second degree programme.
  • Able to complete both degree programmes within a maximum candidature period of 10 regular semesters.

In addition to the above, students may also need to go through an interview. Admission is subject to availability of vacancies in the second degree programme, and may be subject to other factors such as performance during interview and quality of other applicants.

The application window is normally open between Week 6 and Week 11 of each regular semester. The application link will be posted here once the application window is open. Applications will be reviewed after the release of examination results for the same semester, and the outcome will be made known within 2 to 3 weeks from the release of examination results.

Bachelor of Engineering majors

CDE majors Gateway courses
Biomedical Engineering BN1111 Biomedical Engineering Principles and Practice I
BN2111 Biomedical Engineering Principles and Practice II
Chemical Engineering CN1101A Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice I
CN2102 Chemical Engineering Principles and Practice II
Civil Engineering CE1103 Principles of Structural and Geotechnical Engineering
CE2155 Principles of Structural Mechanics and Materials
Computer Engineering CG1111A Engineering Principles and Practice I
CG2111A Engineering Principles and Practice II
Electrical Engineering EE1111A Electrical Engineering Principles and Practice I
EE2111A Electrical Engineering Principles and Practice II
Engineering Science ESP1111 Engineering Principles in Action
ESP2111 Sensor System Electronics
Environmental Engineering ESE2101 Environmental Science and Engineering Principles & Practice
ESE2102 Principles & Practice in Environmental Monitoring
Industrial & Systems Engineering IE1111R Industrial & Systems Engineering Principles & Practice I
IE2111 Industrial & Systems Engineering Principles & Practice II
Infrastructure & Project Management PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management
IPM1103 Digital Construction
Materials Science & Engineering MLE1001B Materials Science & Engineering Principles and Practice I
MLE2001A Materials Science & Engineering Principles and Practice II
Mechanical Engineering ME1102 Engineering Principles and Practice I
ME2104 Engineering Principles and Practice II
Project & Facilities Management PF1101 Fundamentals of Project Management
PF1103 Digital Construction


Bachelor of Science majors

CHS majors Gateway courses
Chemistry CM1102 Chemistry – The Central Science
Data Science and Analytics DSA1101 Introduction to Data Science
Food Science and Technology FST1101B Science and Technology of Foods
Life Science LSM1111 Biological Challenges and Opportunities for Humankind
Mathematics MA1100 Basic Discrete Mathematics or MA1100T Basic Discrete Mathematics (T)
Pharmaceutical Science PHS1101 The Billion-Dollar Pill – Bench to Bedside Drug Development
Physics PC1101 Frontiers of Physics
Quantitative Finance QF1100 Introduction to Quantitative Finance
Statistics ST1131 Introduction to Statistics and Statistical Computing

Bachelor of Arts majors

CHS majors Gateway courses
Chinese Language CL1101E Chinese Language: Its Past and Present
Chinese Studies CH1101E Retelling Chinese Stories: Change and Continuity
English Language and Linguistics EL1101E The Nature of Language
English Literature EN1101E An Introduction to Literary Studies
Global Studies GL1101E Global Issues
History HY1101E Asia and the Modern World
Japanese Studies JS1101E Introduction to Japan
Malay Studies MS1102E Understanding the Contemporary Malay World
Philosophy GEX1015 Life, the Universe, and Everything
South Asian Studies SN1101E Discover South Asia: People, Culture, Development
Southeast Asian Studies SE1101E Southeast Asia: A Changing Region
Theatre and Performance Studies TS1101E Introduction to Theatre and Performance

Bachelor of Social Sciences majors

CHS majors Gateway courses
Anthropology (for Cohort AY2022/2023 onward) AN1101E Anthropology and the Human Condition
Communications and New Media NM1101E Communications, New Media and Society
Economics EC1101E Introduction to Economic Analysis
Geography GE1101E Geographical Journeys: Exploring World Environments
Political Science PS1101E Introduction to Politics
Psychology PL1101E Introduction to Psychology
Social Work SW1101E Social Work: A Heart-Head-Hand Connection
Sociology SC1101E Making Sense of Society


Candidature period and tuition fees

Regardless of the combination of majors for this DDP (including the XDPs), the normal candidature period is 10 regular semesters. However, most students in the DDP should be able to graduate within 8 or 9 semesters depending on their choice of majors in CDE and CHS. 

Students in this DDP are required to pay only the prevailing tuition fee of their primary degree programme (i.e. following their home Faculty) during the normal candidature period. However, those who take longer than the normal candidature period to complete the DDP will have to pay partial non-subsidized fees, culminating in full non-subsidised fees, during the extended semesters.

Continuation requirement and exit

Students in this DDP will need to maintain a minimum GPA of 3.50 for both degree programmes. They will be given a warning if they do not meet this requirement for a single semester. Those who do not meet this requirement for two consecutive semesters will be required to withdraw from the DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. However, this continuation requirement is not applicable once a student's total cumulative units exceed 140 units.

A student may decide to withdraw or can be asked to withdraw from this DDP by withdrawing from the second degree programme. All the courses/modules that the student has taken to fulfil the requirements of the second degree will be reflected in the transcript and included in the computation of the GPA for the single degree programme.

Students in this DDP who want to withdraw from the first degree (i.e. originally offered degree) programme and change to the second degree programme must seek a formal transfer through the Office of Admissions.

Contact us

You may contact Ms Lesley Poong at or 6516 1339 if you have questions about this DDP.