Incoming Oxbridge Exchange

General Information

You may want to refer to the information provided here for more details on:

  • NUS Academic Calendar & Curriculum
  • Accommodation Options
  • Financial Consideration
  • Application Process
  • Student’s Pass (Visa)

NUS Curriculum

In addition to the general information on the academic calendar and curriculum, you may be interested to find out the list of courses taken by the Oxbridge exchange students in the past.

List of courses taken by exchange students in the past:

University of Cambridge

University of Oxford

Tuition Fee

Exchange students will continue to pay tuition fee to your home university while on exchange to NUS CDE. Exchange students do not need to pay tuition fee to NUS but are required to pay the Miscellaneous Student Fees. (Refer to information provided here for more details)


Activity Date
Internal Application/Selection Phase      December to March
NUS Online Application Portal (OAP)   21 March – 10 April (Full-year exchange intake)  
Application Outcome Late May



Prior to application, students will need to be nominated by their home universities for NUS-Oxbridge Student Exchange Programme. Please check with your study abroad offices on the internal application process and eligibility.

Comments from Past Oxbridge Students

1 Mateusz Krol, Cambridge University

My favourite thing about Singapore is food. I do not think I would ever be able to try so much local, Japanese, Korean, Indonesian and many other cuisines in one place. It is very affordable and even though I love to cook, it is so much cheaper to eat out and enjoy what Singapore’s food scene has to offer.

2 Isobel Voysey, Cambridge University

“The NUS curriculum covers lots of the same content as the Cambridge one, but with a greater focus on project work. That work can be difficult to stay on top of at times, but the topics are always engaging, focused on applications of the content, and help to further your understanding of the module.”

3 Gus Neate, Oxford University

“Singapore has lived up to its international reputation for being a modern, clean and safe city. NUS is incredibly modern and the facilities are superb. I have really enjoyed my courses in NUS and being able to select courses which match my interests very closely. The content has been really interesting.”

4 Wojciech Dziwulski, Oxford University

“I didn’t quite know what to expect! I heard a lot of positive feedback from the previous cohort, but I’ve never been to Asia before, so had a hard time imagining myself at NUS. I thought the campus was more integrated into the city, whereas it is virtually a self-sufficient city in itself, although very well well-connected with the outside. Singapore proved to be an extremely welcoming place due to incredible people and a very high standard of living.”
