DEEP ARCHITECTURAL FORM: Towards a Machine Understanding of Architecture

Name of Event/Lecture

DEEP ARCHITECTURAL FORM: Towards a Machine Understanding of Architecture

Name of Speaker

Frederick Chando Kim


SDE 3 Level 4 LT427


You are cordially invited to attend the research seminar – DEEP ARCHITECTURAL FORM: Towards a Machine Understanding of Architecture by Frederick Chando Kim

Date: 6 February 2024 (Tue)
Time: 2:30 PM – 4:30 PM
Venue: SDE 3 Level 4 LT427

Operating at the nexus of form and data in architecture design, the research explores different facets of architectural form as a dynamic, multi-dimensional entity influenced by various societal, cultural, and environmental factors. Reconsidering form as a spatialized ‘token’ that embodies a wide range of data and information could help identify innate bonds between tangible form and the intangible narratives of data it incorporates. The talk will highlight the potential of AI and deep learning in architectural design in bridging the multi-dimensional aspects of architectural form, emphasizing the role of creative methodologies and computational tools in crafting future designs.

About the speaker
Frederick Chando Kim is an architect, researcher, and educator based in Lausanne, Switzerland. Frederick is pursuing his doctorate at the Media x Design Lab at EPFL, where he also teaches at the School of Architecture and Computer Science. His research examines the generative and analytical possibilities of machine learning in computational geometry and architectural form. Previously, he taught as a junior faculty member at ETH Zürich and conducted workshops at ETH Singapore, SUPSI in Mendrisio, and D-lab at Kyoto Institute of Technology. He holds a Master of Architecture from Harvard GSD and a Bachelor of Science in Art and Design from MIT. In collaboration with Mikhael Johanes, he heads Creative Data Critical Design, exploring innovative ways of using data for architectural and urban design approaches.
Frederick has worked with various architecture firms, including Convergeo in Lausanne, AGPS Architecture in Zürich/Los Angeles, Safdie Architects in Cambridge, Massachusetts, SOM San Francisco, and Gensler Los Angeles. His recent work on Artificial Swissness, “Design Brain,” was featured at the Seoul Biennale of Architecture and Urbanism 2021. He co-authored a journal paper, “On GANs, NLPs and Architecture,” winning the 2023 ACSA Best Article Award.