Visiting Associate Professor|Programme Director, MAUD

Department of Architecture, College of Design and Engineering, National University of Singapore, 4 Architecture Drive, Singapore 117566.


Ms Asma Khawatmi is a French registered architect, visiting associate professor at the department of architecture, NUS. Since 2001, she has been running her own Parisian architecture and urban design office, which develops international private and public projects. Since 2007, her expertise has expanded to teaching and research activities in France, Europe and Asia. Concerns related to cities and megalopolis development impacting the human environment and issues of sustainability and resilience are at the centre of her professional and pedagogical approach in architecture and urban design. Through collaborations with Asian universities, international experts and research centres, she has developed an integrated and sustainable urban design methodology.

Since 2008, she has been involved as Studio Master and Module Coordinator in different Masters of Urban Design at The National University of Singapore: (2008 – 2019) Master of Art in Urban Design and (2012 – 2018) Master of Science Integrated Sustainable Design. She has broadened her competence as Urbanist and Architect in international public interventions and book publications.