An Architectural Approach to the Kinesphere: An Interview with Dr Zdravko Trivic


From the Centre for the Arts (CFA) website:

Through the arts, new ideas and new approaches to problems can be revealed. In an educational context, we frequently talk about artists (both student and professional) who work with faculty within NUS to develop works that explore different approaches to art making. However, this process works both ways as artists, too, bring insight and perspective to even the most experienced of thought leaders.

Students from the School of Design and Environment have recently partnered with NUS Dance Synergy in the development of a new site-specific work. This partnership is being facilitated by NUS Department of Architecture’s Dr Zdravko Trivic, as well as the Artistic Director of NUS Dance Synergy, Yarra Ileto. We caught up with Dr Trivic to better understand how he is tapping on dance and the members of NUS Dance Synergy to work with his students to see the world in a different way.

Read the full interview here.