Novelty Design vs Mature Design: Learning from Nature and Traditional Wisdom

Name of Event/Lecture

Milton Tan Memorial Fund Inaugural Design Lecture

Name of Speaker

Professor Chang Shih Tsung


Past observations of Taiwanese Design students’ graduation projects revealed many avant-garde style elements. Such novelty designs, though beautiful and eye-catching at times, did not solve any real problems nor meet human needs. Professor Chang will analyse the difference between “Design” versus “Fine Art” and discuss issues surrounding avant-garde versus sophisticated traditional designs and Novelty Design (hi-tech design) versus Mature Design (nature design). He will introduce some basic principles from “Do the right things” and “Do the thing right” (Design Principles) to “Do creative things” and “Do things creatively” (Innovative Design). Finally, Professor Chang will discuss some simple yet effective traditional designs that can exemplify how we can adapt traditional wisdom to future needs and development (Humane design, emotional design, Kansai-design).