Minor in Landscape Architectural Studies

Admission Requirements:

All NUS undergraduates in Level 2 and 3 , except BLA undergraduates are eligible to apply for the Minor. This is a restricted Minor programme and students may apply for the Minor no later than the end of the fifth semester of study.

Courses Units
Core Courses 12
LAD 1001 Design 1 4
LAD 1003 Introduction of Landscape Architecture 4
LAD 2003 Landscape Construction I 4
Elective Courses (Complete 8 Units of elective courses in the list below) 8
DTK1234a Design Thinking 4
LAD 1004 History and Theory of Landscape Architecture 4
LAD 2004 Planting Design and Horticulture 4
LAD 2005 Introductory GIS for Landscape Architecture 4
Grand Total 20


Candidature / Duration:
Students doing a Minor in Landscape Architectural Studies need not take more than 4 years to complete both their primary Major and Minor.

The Minor in Landscape Architectural Studies will be awarded to students who satisfied the 20 Units Minor requirement according to their respective cohorts.