NUS DOA Material Library

The NUS DOA Material Library is an exhibition featuring a meticulously curated selection of up to 300 inspirational material samples, each tailored to A4 size specifications. These samples are generously sponsored by material suppliers worldwide and thoughtfully chosen for their relevance to architectural designs and constructions. Situated at the SDE3 ground level, between the design studio and the Design Fabrication Workshop, this library serves as a bridge between the digital design environment and the physical material processing realm.

Each material sample is showcased on standardized high-quality plywood boards, strategically mounted for easy access. Notably, these boards include QR codes, allowing individuals to effortlessly access sponsor company websites or relevant product web pages for additional information.

It’s important to highlight that the Material Library is an evolving collection intended to grow in collaboration with the construction industry. We warmly welcome recommendations from students and practitioners regarding inspirational material sources, donations, or connections with material suppliers interested in showcasing their products alongside their QR code links.

Please note that the NUS DOA Design Fabrication Workshop reserves the right to curate, accept, or reject the display of material samples based on relevance and suitability for the library’s objectives. Your contributions and suggestions play a pivotal role in shaping this evolving resource hub for architectural materials and innovation.

For further information, please contact Yong Chong NG at