In this digital era, new technology constantly emerges to redefine our lives.
The conventional working model is set to be replaced by offline jobs, as improvements in telecommunication methods bring people closer together. The increased efficiency and time savings that the work-at-home model provides is gaining popularity. Additionally, traditional jobs will be replaced by applied technology and robotics. New jobs of the future will be created by entrepreneurs.
Collaboratory is a community that caters to the growing the work-at-home and entrepreneurial population with coworking and cohousing design strategies employed in a medium scale project site.
The precinct masterplan design intends to maximise flexibility and interactivity on different levels, from the main street, public spaces, and residential spaces to the interiors of unit spaces through the use of a modular framework system, interlaced volumes and terraced platforms. Social interaction between different users and visual connection on different spaces will stimulate a dynamic community, one that embodies the spirit of innovation and collaboration.