De-coding Context

Name of Event/Lecture

De-coding Context

Name of Speaker

Shantanu Poredi & Manisha Agarwal

4 SM

De-coding Context

Shantanu Poredi & Manisha Agarwal
Co-Founding Partners, Mobile Offices Architects
Date: 21 Jan 2021

This presentation introspects the intuitive nature of various sustainable design processes Shantanu and Manisha adopt within their practice of the ‘built environment’. Their approach features responses to the larger idea of ‘Context’, whereby environmental and social sustainability are inter-dependent & intertwined. Investigations & interpretation of the ‘Context’ formulate a path towards a strategic design methodology that emerges from the specificities of environmental and climactic aspects of design. The focus is also on the diversity of individuals and the vastness of a community that creates opportunities for social sustainability. These are deeply influenced by various forms of traditional and contemporary sustainable consciousness.