Urban Design and Human Scale

Name of Event/Lecture

Urban Design and Human Scale

Name of Speaker

Meeta Patel

3 MP


Urban Design and Human Scale

Meeta Patel
Co-Founder & Executive Director, Lead8 (till 2020)
Date: 18 Jan 2021

“Have we forgotten to address human scale in our cities over the last century? How can that be brought back into urban design?” Through a structured approach to masterplanning, Meeta will highlight how scale plays an important role not only to delight and engage us, but also how it contributes to practical benefits such as thermal comfort and security. The presentation touches upon the role transportation modes and linkages play in shaping and scaling our cities, as well as discusses the impacts of the 2020 global pandemic and the role of urban design and urban management for the greater good of the community and the environment.