NUS Architecture Alumnus Awarded 2017 Architecture Drawing Prize


World Architecture Festival 2017 – The Digital Architecture Drawing Prize won by M.Arch Graduate

The winning design Deep Water Purgatory by M.Arch graduate Christopher Wijatno is part of a collection of ideas proposing solutions to emergent need in the light of climate change. They are counterpoints to megacities with ecological footprints that are untenable. The continued depletion of natural resources leading to scarcity has resulted in displaced communities and will eventually lead to war.

What if we floated on sea instead of consuming land inefficiently?

And could we use wave energy instead of nuclear energy?

Could we replenish food supply and regenerate marine eco-diversity?

How would our lives be shaped by new offshore settlements?

What would we use as structures for shelter, farming scaffold and recreation?

Floating cities emerged in the 1960s with Buckminster Fuller’s Triton City and Kenzo Tange’s Tokyo Bay Plan. Current manifestations include Vincent Calebaut’s Lilypad, the Seasteading Institute and the mile long Freedom Ship housing 50,000 people. These examples have huge raft-like surfaces which heat up the seawater and risk environmental damage. They minimize the opportunity of incorporating water bodies into interior urban spaces.

As an alternative to these examples, three types of vessels in the marine industry, viz the jackup platforms, the semi-submersibles and the super barges are re-purposed in seven projects to save the world. These design projects were led by Dr. Joseph Lim in the Masters Thesis studio.


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