NUS Architecture Graduate Won Third Prize in the Skyhive 2019 Skyscraper Challenge


What would high rise housing design be like in the future?

NUS Architecture’s recent MArch graduate, Mr Bryant Lau Liang Cheng has won the third prize in the Skyhive 2019 Skyscraper Challenge for his thesis project ‘Tesseract: Time Based Home Ownership Incentivisation Model’ (thesis supervisor: Assoc. Prof. Cho Im Sik). He has been selected out of 84 entries in this international architecture competition.

“Tesseract proposes a time-based approach with individual and community involvement, to redefine the notion of the vertical icon as a social apparatus instead of a capitalistic one.”

The concept proposes an architectural system that allows residents to take part in the design of their own units as well as the design of the programs within the building.

Read about the competition here and an interview with Bryan here.