Nirmal Kishnani: Publications
Nirmal Kishnani
Part & Whole – Reconsiling Scale, Density and Sustainability in Asian Megapolises.
Year: 2020 | Publisher: CASA + MSc ISD |
The book documents the work of the consecutive MSc ISD urban studios between 2015 and 2017, which examined three cities in Asia: Bangkok, Hong Kong and Shanghai.
Ecopuncture: Transforming Architecture and Urbanism in Asia.
Year: 2019 | Publisher: FuturArc |
The book documents 16 case studies of regenerative design in Asia and makes a case for a systems approach to form-making and nature-based design thinking.
SG3: Decoding Sustainable Urbanism. Case Study, Singapore
Year: 2016 | Publisher: CASA + MSc ISD |
The book documents the work of the consecutive MSc ISD urban studios between 2012 and 2014, which examined three large sites in Singapore.
Greening Asia: Emerging Principles for Sustainable Architecture
Year: 2012 | Publisher: FuturArc |
The book documents 12 case studies of buildings in Asia that are aligned with sustainability and, in the process, critiques and reframes the industry approach to Greening.