The NUS DOA team's Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) for the former Bukit Timah Turf City is in the News

NUS_Bukit Timah The North Grandstand_2

During the unveiling plans for the future housing estate at the old racecourse, National Development Minister Desmond Lee announced on May 23 that the former Bukit Timah Turf City could serve as the centrepiece in the neighbourhood. To assess the site’s heritage impact, a thorough Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) was conducted as part of the planning process.

The HIA, conducted by the NUS Department of Architecture (DoA) team, led by Prof Ho Puay Peng and Dr Nikhil Joshi together with heritage consultant Purcell, highlighted the exceptional significance of the two grandstands; the 1933-built South Grandstand and the 1981-built North Grandstand. The HIA revealed the exceptional significance of the grandstands, emphasizing their substantial contribution to the overall importance of the former racecourse. It has also identified several buildings of notable heritage significance, including the Bukit Timah Saddle Club Clubhouse, Secretary’s and Assistant Secretary’s Bungalows, and Fairways Quarters. These structures have the potential to undergo rejuvenation and be given a new lease of life.

Click here for the Straits Times article.

Click here for the Heritage Impact Assessment (HIA) report.