Bachelor of Landscape Architecture

With your NUS landscape architecture training, you can work in government agencies, architectural or landscape architectural firms or in other related fields as project managers, landscape architects, designers, urban designers, and researchers etc. You may continue your studies up to master level offered in the Department: Master of Landscape Architecture, further leading to a PhD degree. Alternatively, you may also continue your education with other masters programs in and across a variety of fields.

Approximate starting salaries vary depending on several factors including type of company and prevailing economic situations at the time of graduation and job application.

The following scholarships are available for BLA students:

Gardens by the Bay scholarship Design Singapore Scholarship NParks Scholarship

NParks Prize (with effect from BLA’23) Nparks Peter Lim Awards

For more details of the above scholarships/awards, you can refer to this link. There are also various NUS scholarships and financial aid available.

Please refer to the following links for more details:

In its emphasis to engage the opportunities and challenges of globalisation, NUS has implemented Student Exchange Programmes (SEP) to more than 150 universities. Landscape Architecture students have the opportunity to participate in SEPs for one semester, with partner universities (at Departmental and University Level) in Asia, Europe and USA.

In addition to the student exchange programme, the Department creates opportunities and sponsors numerous overseas field trips, overseas enrichment programmes and design workshops conducted abroad. These activities enhance our students’ academic experience and enrich their exposure to design conditions under myriad social-cultural milieus.

(The above information is subject to change based on prevailing COVID-19 restrictions, including any border control measures of overseas enrichment and SEP host countries at the point of application and commencement of the programme.)

The majority of students obtain practical experience through internship with landscape architecture practices during the semester break.

As a part of BLA elective modules, students have the opportunity to participate in a structured 12-week Landscape Architecture Internship Programme during the May to August vacation upon completion of the third year of study to gain practical experience in the profession.

Students may have one overseas studio in the fourth year of the programme. Overseas studio tend to span over a period of 7-10 days. Expenses required for the overseas trip are not included in the school fees.

(The above information is subject to change based on prevailing COVID-19 restrictions, including any border control measures of overseas host countries.)

NUS provides Adobe software for students to use in the campus computer clusters. Students who require to have the design software on their laptop, will have to purchase the software on their own from

Design software is not provided for installation into personal laptops/computers. Students can make use of student’s version of required software for installation into their personal devices. Such software might be free version of Sketchup, student license for Autodesk and GIS software.